Issue DateNo.DescriptionAddressee
2024/11/282024/02Fresh Funds Coverage Ratio (100% Ratio) as per BDL Basic Circular No.150 dated 9/4/2020Banks
2024/09/022024/01Supervisory templates to be submitted to BCCInstitutions Engaged with Electronic Financial Operations
2024/06/042024/01Reporting of banker’s cheques not yet presented to collectionBanks
External Auditors
2024/02/072024/01Reporting of Tier 1 equity for the calculation of prudential limits and ratios of financial institutionsFinancial Institutions
2023/08/012023/02Procedures to monitor the use of loans granted to customersBanks
2023/04/182023/01Information on E-walletsBanks
Financial Institutions
Institutions Engaged with Electronic Financial Operations
2022/12/232022/08P&L in foreign currencies - Fresh FundsBanks
2022/09/052022/07Non-financial sector deposits in foreign currencies Banks
2022/08/182022/06Interbank Offered Rates Banks
Financial Institutions
2022/03/282022/04Revaluation of Real estate Assets subject to articles 153 & 154 of the Law of Money & Credit Banks
2022/03/142022/03Customers’ deposits tranches in foreign currencies Banks
2022/02/182022/02Amendment of some templates in BCCL circular No.299 dated 1/10/2020 Banks
2021/09/202021/08Reporting of some information as per BDL Basic circular No.158 dated 8/6/2021 Banks
2021/09/202021/07Liquidity Abroad as per BDL Basic circular No.154 dated 27/8/2020 Banks
2021/08/312021/05Preparation for IBOR Transition Banks
Financial Institutions
2021/02/122021/04Principles of carrying out transactions with clients and implementation of BDL Basic Circular No.158 dated 8/6/2021Banks
2021/02/222021/03Amendment of some articles and templates of BCC Circular No.299 related to Capital Adequacy ComputationBanks
2021/02/152021/02Amendment of template 153A “Computation of Excess on 153 limit" Banks
Financial Institutions
2021/01/052021/01Electronic Reporting to BCCL through BDL secured Network SeBILBanks
2020/12/242020/18Liquidity abroad as per BDL Basic No. 13262 dated 27/8/2020Banks
2020/11/182020/17Amendment of templates EQF & EQFP related to computation of equity of Financial InstitutionsFinancial Institutions
2020/11/182020/16Amendment of EQB template "Tier 1 equity for calculation of prudential ratios"Banks
2020/10/222020/15Plan for complying with capital requirementsBanks
2020/10/022020/14Measures related to loans, cheques and transfers Banks
2020/08/182020/13Fresh Money as per BDL Basic Decision No.13217 dated 9/4/2020 (Basic Circular No.150Banks
2020/07/102020/12Amendment of form MGAP “Maturity of Assets, Liabilities & Off-BS items” Banks
2020/07/102020/11Reporting of provisions taken in LBP against Foreign currency assets and off BS foreign currency commitmentsBanks
2020/06/092020/10Extension of the deadline for submission of some reports Banks
Financial Institutions
External Auditors
2020/06/052020/09Information on transfers to and from abroad Banks
2020/05/052020/08Exceptional Loans as per BDL Basic Decision No. 6116 dated 7/3/1996 (Circular No.23) Banks
Financial Institutions
2020/03/112020/07Information on transfers to abroadBanks
2020/02/252020/06Strategy and Business plan of banksBanks
2020/02/182020/05Computation of Capital Adequacy Ratios as at 31/12/2020Banks
External Auditors
2020/02/122020/04Customers' Deposits Tranches and number of clientsBanks
2020/01/272020/03Eurobonds portfolio of banks, financial institutions and their clients Banks
Financial Institutions
2020/01/212020/02Computation of LBP "Loans to Deposits Ratio" Banks
2020/01/142020/01Information on transfers to Swiss BanksBanks
2019/12/182019/14Interest Rates on Deposits and LoansBanks
2019/12/132019/13Capital increase through USD cash contributions Banks
2019/10/282019/12Reporting BCC of some supervisory templatesBanks
2019/10/102019/11Computation of Capital Adequacy Ratios as at 30/9/2019Banks
External Auditors
2019/08/222019/10Informing BCC of day-one profits recorded in P&L on financial engineering with BDLBanks
Financial Institutions
External Auditors
2019/07/232019/09Computation of Capital Capital Adequacy Ratios as at 30/6/2019 Banks
External Auditors
2019/07/082019/08Electronic copy of template PB-BDL-A related to subsidized loansBanks
2019/06/112019/07Supervisory template on fees and charges of banking products and services Banks
2019/05/082019/06Procedures to submit the Loan Portfolio Database to BCCL onsite teams Banks
2019/05/082019/05Computation of Capital Adequacy Ratios as at 31/3/2019Banks
External Auditors
2019/05/082019/04BCCL approval on provisions against non-performing loansBanks
Financial Institutions
2019/05/082019/03Prior approval on the release of provisions related to loans examined by BCCLBanks
Financial Institutions
2019/11/022019/02Computation Capital Adequacy Ratios as at 31/12/2018Banks
2019/11/302019/01Procedures to be followed up by exchange institutions Exchange Institutions
2019/02/072019/01Reporting related to the policy on the “principles of banking and financial operations with customers" Banks
Financial Institutions
2018/12/222018/20Revaluation of participations in startup companies and venture capitalBanks
2018/12/192018/19Credit files and other requirements for loan origination and processingBanks
Financial Institutions
2018/11/282018/18Computation of Fixed FX positions approved by BDLBanks
2018/11/052018/17Correspondence with BCCL Banks
Financial Institutions
Exchange Institutions
Specialized Lending Entities (Credit Counters)
2018/11/052018/16Special email for reporting purposes for each bank and financial institution  Banks
Financial Institutions
2018/10/182018/15Computation of Capital Adequacy Ratios as at 30/9/2018Banks
2018/09/132018/14Reporting of Transactions on Financial Instruments Banks
Financial Institutions
2018/09/122018/13Auditors' Reports of Venture CapitalBanks
2018/07/262018/12Computation of Capital Adequacy Ratios as at 30/6/2018Banks
2018/05/292018/11 Procedures for checking the execution of cash increase in equity Banks
Financial Institutions
External Auditors
2018/05/102018/10Computation of Capital Adequacy Ratios as at 31/3/2018Banks
2018/04/122018/09Housing loans granted as per BDL Basic Decisions No. 6116 (Circular No. 23) and 7835 (Circular 84)Banks
2018/04/052018/08Amendment of some BCCL supervisory templates Banks
Financial Institutions
2018/04/032018/07Acquisition of foreclosed assets as per article 154 of the Money and Credit LawBanks
2018/03/012018/06Profit or Loss statementBanks
Financial Institutions
External Auditors
2018/02/202018/05 Conference on Consumer ProtectionBanks
Financial Institutions
2018/02/082018/04Compuation of Capital Adequacy Ratios as at 31/12/2017Banks
2018/01/292018/03Reporting of operational risk lossesBanks
Financial Institutions
2018/01/292018/02Customers' Deposits Tranches and number of clientsBanks
2018/01/292018/01 Participation of banks in startup companies, incubators, accelerators, venture capital and holding companies Banks
2017/12/042017/14Information on non - housing loans subject to BDL Basic Circulars No. 80, No. 23 and No.84Banks
Financial Institutions
2017/10/252017/13Computation of Capital Adequacy Ratios as at 30/9/2017 Banks
2017/10/192017/12Requirement for banks to verify the compliance of exchange institutions with article 10 of Basic Decision No. 7933 dated 27/9/2001Banks
2017/10/092017/11Information needed to perform a QIS on LCR as at 30/9/2017 Banks
2017/10/092017/10information on Loans in LBP and Foreign Currencies between 31/12/2016 and 30/9/2017 Banks
2017/07/182017/09Submission of templates 2C, 2D, 2G and 3B Banks
2017/07/132017/08Computation of Capital Adequacy Ratios as at 30/06/2017Banks
2017/06/302017/07Relationship of banks with foreign correspondents Banks
2017/04/242017/06Computation of capital Adequacy Ratios as at 31/03/2017 Banks
2017/04/122017/05Amendment of BCC Circular No.283 dated 6/10/2015 regarding the Internal Capital Adequacy Assessment Process Banks
2017/02/102017/04Profits realized on the sale of sovereign financial instruments in LBP and purchase simultaneously financial instruments in FC as per BDL Central Council Intermediate Decision No 12411 dated 30/12/2016Banks
2017/02/042017/03Computation of Capital Adequacy Ratios as at 31/12/2016 Banks
2017/01/252017/02Relationship of banks with foreign correspondents Banks
2017/12/012017/01Profits realized on the sale of sovereign financial instruments in LBP and purchase simultaneously financial instruments in FC as per BDL Central Council Intermediate Decision No 12411 dated 30/12/2016Banks
2017/06/302017/01Relationship of financial institutions with foreign correspondents Financial Institutions
2016/12/312016/22New supervisory template on the maturity of Assets, Liabilities and Off - BS itemsBanks
2016/12/162016/21Submission to BCC of Information on banks’ senior management Banks
Financial Institutions
2016/12/162016/20Remuneration and compensation of banks’ employees Banks
2016/12/072016/19Profits realized on the sale of sovereign financial instruments in LBP and purchase simultaneously financial instruments in FC as per BDL Central Council Intermediate Decision No 12373 dated 8/11/2016 Banks
2016/11/282016/18Information needed to perform the forurth QIS on LCR as at 30/9/2016Banks
2016/10/282016/17Profits realized on the sale of sovereign financial instruments in LBP and purchase simultaneously financial instruments in FC as per BDL Intermediate circular No.428 dated 25/06/2016Banks
2016/10/132016/16Profits realized on the sale of sovereign financial instruments in LBP and purchase simultaneously financial instruments in FC as per BDL Intermediate circular No.428 dated 25/06/2016Banks
2016/09/192016/14Extension of the deadline to obtain clients' signatures on the rights and duties formBanks
Financial Institutions
2016/09/052016/13Reporting to BCCL on fraud, misconduct and material incidents Banks
2016/09/052016/12Profits realized on the sale of sovereign financial instruments in LBP and purchase simultaneously financial instruments in FC as per BDL Intermediate circular No.428 dated 25/06/2016Banks
2016/08/262016/11Computation of Capital Adequacy Ratios as at 30/6/2016 Banks
2016/07/122016/10Operations on financial instruments as per BDL intermediate Circular No. 429 dated 25/6/2016Banks
Financial Institutions
2016/07/122016/09Profits realized on the sale of sovereign financial instruments in LBP and purchase simultaneously financial instruments in FC as per BDL Intermediate circular No.428 dated 25/6/2016Banks
2016/07/012016/08Follow-up on developments in financial markets Banks
Financial Institutions
2016/05/132016/06Placements in funds Banks
External Auditors
2016/03/212016/05Computation of Capital Adequacy Ratios as at 31/12/2015Banks
2016/03/012016/04Follow-up on the exposure of banks to correspondents abroadBanks
2016/02/232016/03Dividends Distribution for year 2015Banks
2016/02/232016/02Loan Portfolio Database to be submitted to BCCL onsite teams as per BCCL Memo No. 17/2011Banks
2016/07/012016/01Report on Senior Management of Financial institutionsFinancial Institutions
2016/02/262016/01Impairment Test on participations of banks and financial institutions abroadExternal Auditors
2015/12/282015/26Banks' portfolio of Lebanese EurobondsBanks
2015/12/282015/25Reporting of Forms CP1 and BD1Banks
Financial Institutions
2015/11/262015/24Extension of deadline to obtain the signature of clients on the List of Customer's rights and dutiesBanks
Financial Institutions
2015/11/262015/23Amendment of form 3 A regarding customers' deposits tranches (in LBP and Foreign Currencies)Banks
2015/10/162015/22Information needed to perform a QIS on LCR as at 30/9/2015Banks
2015/09/142015/21BCCL Classification of LoansBanks
Financial Institutions
2015/08/212015/20Computation of Capital Adequacy Ratios as at 30/6/2015Banks
2015/08/132015/19Required Margin on LC'sBanks
2015/07/032015/16Required margins on spot and forward FX transactions Banks
2015/06/262015/15Reporting on daily cash transactions in LBP and foreign currenciesBanks
2015/06/172015/14Cancellation of some BCCL circularsBanks
Financial Institutions
External Auditors
2015/05/282015/13Constitution of the "Reserve for General Banking Risks" Banks
External Auditors
2015/05/212015/12Liquidation of foreclosed assets as per article 154 of Law of Money and CreditBanks
2015/05/192015/11Amendment of BCCL circular No. 280 dated 2/1/2015
it was 21/1/2015
Financial Institutions
External Auditors
2015/05/182015/10Periodic Automated Templates to be submitted to BCCLBanks
Financial Institutions
2015/04/252015/09Conference on the "Principles of Carrying out Banking and Financial Operations with Clients"Banks
Financial Institutions
2015/04/222015/08Documents related to subsidized loans to be submitted to BCCL Banks
Financial Institutions
2015/02/282015/06Reporting on Negative NAV and Insufficient MarginsBanks
2015/02/182015/05Computation of Capital Adequacy Ratios as at 31/12/2014Banks
2015/02/022015/04Reporting of placements and open positions with Boston Prime LtdBanks
Financial Institutions
2015/01/292015/03Reporting of Housing Loans granted by the Public Institution for HousingBanks
2015/01/192015/02Reporting of placemments and open positions with correspondent banks abroadBanks
Financial Institutions
2015/07/032015/01Report on participations in startup companiesOther Institutions
2015/01/152015/01Reporting of debtor accounts freezed by the SICBanks
Financial Institutions
2014/12/292014/10Borrowing from Non-Resident Non Related Financial Sector against pledge of financial securitiesBanks
Financial Institutions
2014/12/172014/09Request of Information about people in charge of submitting periodic reports to BCCLBanks
Financial Institutions
2014/11/082014/08Information needed to perform a QIS on Liquidity Coverage Ratio (LCR)Banks
2014/10/232014/07Amendments of BCCL circular No. 279 dated 20/10/2014 regarding the maximum limits on loans granted to related parties as per article 152 of the Law of Money and CreditBanks
Financial Institutions
External Auditors
2014/10/202014/06Reporting on deposits withdrawn from investments banks before 6 months of the initial date of the depositBanks
External Auditors
2014/08/142014/05Computation of Capital Adequacy Ratios as at 30/6/2014Banks
2014/06/022014/04Resolution of breaches related to Housing Loans as per BDL Basic circular No. 84 dated 2/6/2001 and its amendmentsBanks
External Auditors
2014/02/272014/03Computation of Capital Adequacy Ratios as at 31/12/2013Banks
2014/02/102014/01Reporting of some values and ratios of financial institutions Financial Institutions
2014/02/072014/01Submission of information regarding the export and import of banknotes and precious metals as per BDL circular No. 89 dated 11/1/2002Banks
2013/10/072013/14Housing Loans (primary residence) subject to BDL Basic circular No. 84 dated 2/6/2001 and its amendmentsBanks
External Auditors
2013/09/282013/13Reporting of loans against shares of banks and financial institutions Banks
Financial Institutions
2013/09/272013/12Computation of Capital Adequacy Ratios as at 30/6/2013Banks
2013/08/272013/11Reporting of Housing Loans subject to BDL circular No. 84 dated 2/6/2001 and its amendmentsBanks
2013/08/062013/10Information needed for a QIS on Liquidity Coverage Ratio (LCR)Banks
2013/07/172013/09Workshop on the content of BCCL circular No. 276 dated 21/6/2013Banks
2013/06/182013/08Reporting of Information on interest subsidized loans Banks
2013/06/032013/07Report on Internal Capital Adequacy Assessment ProcessBanks
2013/04/222013/06Reporting of gold positions between 10/4/2013 & 17/4/2013Banks
Financial Institutions
Other Institutions
2013/04/222013/05Reporting of interest subsidized loans to BCCLBanks
2013/04/112013/04Computation of Capital Adequacy Ratios as at 31/12/2012Banks
2013/02/052013/02Computation of the fixed assets to total investments ratio of Islamic Banks Banks
2013/01/192013/01Amendment of some supervisory templates required by BCCFinancial Institutions
2013/01/172013/01New supervisory templates and amendment of existing OnesBanks
2012/11/032012/09Security measures related to ATMsBanks
Financial Institutions
Other Institutions
2012/10/092012/08Reporting of P&L for Islamic Banks Banks
2012/10/042012/07Information on loans granted against shares of banks and financial institutions Banks
Financial Institutions
2012/09/072012/06Computation of Capital Adequacy Ratios as at 30/6/2012Banks
2012/09/072012/06BDL Intermediate circular No.290 dated 27/1/2012Other Institutions
2012/09/072012/05BDL Intermediate circular No.290 dated 27/1/2012Financial Institutions
2012/06/122012/05Secrecy of information included in BCC reports and correspondence Banks
Financial Institutions
Exchange Institutions
Other Institutions
2012/06/212012/04Amendment of the supervisory template related to shortage in margins and negative NAVOther Institutions
2012/06/212012/03Amendment of the supervisory template related to shortage in margins and negative NAVFinancial Institutions
2012/03/312012/03Computation of Capital Adequacy Ratios as at 31/12/2011Banks
External Auditors
2012/04/212012/02Reporting on shortage in margins and negative NAVOther Institutions
2012/03/062012/02Reporting of some balance sheet items per countryBanks
2012/11/012012/01 Reports and Information requested from External auditorsExternal Auditors
2012/04/212012/01Reporting on shortage in margins and negative NAVFinancial Institutions
2012/01/312012/01Organization of credit filesBanks
Financial Institutions
2011/11/042011/18Reporting of financial instruments and placements with MF globalBanks
Financial Institutions
Other Institutions
2011/10/262011/17Specific IT program related to the Loan Portfolio Database Banks
2011/10/202011/16Use of credit and debit cards on the points of sale Banks
Financial Institutions
Other Institutions
2011/09/222011/15Interest rates, commissions and charges on debtor and creditor accountsBanks
2011/09/212011/14Amendment of some superviosry templatesBanks
Financial Institutions
2011/08/192011/13Computation of Capital Adequacy Ratios as at 30/6/2011Banks
2011/05/302011/10Amendment of deadline to submit the template related to financial instruments issued abroad as per BCC Memo No.3/2011 Banks
Financial Institutions
2011/05/282011/09Credit facilities used abroad Banks
2011/05/262011/08Supervisory templates of banksBanks
2011/05/112011/07Credit facilities used in Syria and Ivory Coast Banks
2011/03/242011/05Customers' deposits tranches and number of depositorsBanks
2011/03/142011/04Reporting to BCC of ATM machines ListBanks
2011/03/032011/03Reporting of the portfolio of financial instruments issued abroadBanks
Financial Institutions
2011/05/262011/02Supervisory templates of financial institutionsFinancial Institutions
2011/03/032011/02Computation of Capital Adequacy Ratios as per Basel 2Banks
2011/02/242011/01Amendment of supervsiory templates of financial institutionsFinancial Institutions
2011/02/232011/01Some supervisory templates linked to BCC circulars & memos Banks
2010/12/292010/12Special reserve against unsettled non performing loans as per BDL circular No. 73 dated 18/10/2000Banks
2010/11/302010/10Amendment of BCC circular No. 266Banks
Financial Institutions
Exchange Institutions
Other Institutions
2010/10/202010/09Report on Internal Capital Adequacy Assessment ProcessBanks
2010/07/302010/08Computation of Capital Adequacy Ratios as per Basel 2Banks
2010/07/012010/07Credit facilities used abroad Banks
2010/05/242010/06Credit facilities used abroad Banks
2010/03/302010/05Amendment of BCCL Memo No. 24/2008 on financial
instruments issued abroad
Financial Institutions
Other Institutions
2010/03/292010/04Computation of Capital Adequacy Ratios as per Basel 2Banks
2010/02/232010/03Implementation of BDL circular No. 63 dated 10/6/1999 related to ATM, credit and debit cards Banks
Financial Institutions
Other Institutions
2010/01/292010/02Management Information System related to risk management Banks
2010/01/092010/01Customers' deposits tranches & number of depositorsBanks
2009/10/302009/15Computation of Capital Adequacy Ratios as per Basel 2Banks
2009/07/282009/13Prior approval on unregulated Islamic transactionsBanks
2009/06/242009/12Compliance with BDL basic circular. No. 103 dated 9/3/2006Banks
Financial Institutions
Other Institutions
2009/06/102009/11Credit facilities used abroad Banks
2009/06/092009/09Corporate Governance Banks
2009/06/012009/08Constitution of "Reserve for general banking risks"Banks
2009/05/062009/07Subsidized Loans related to July 2006 warBanks
Financial Institutions
2009/05/052009/06QIS on capital adequacy ratios as per Basel 2 Banks
2009/04/032009/05Implementation of BCCL circular No. 238Banks
2009/02/042009/03QIS on capital adequacy ratios as per Basel 2Banks
2009/01/262009/02Reporting on transactions with foreign banks and financial institutions Banks
Financial Institutions
Other Institutions
2009/01/232009/01Information on "Reserve for general banking risks" Banks
2008/12/262008/26Amendment of form No. 1 of BCCL memo No. 22/2008 dated 15/9/2008Banks
Financial Institutions
Other Institutions
2008/10/202008/24Information on the portfolio of financial instruments Banks
Financial Institutions
Other Institutions
2008/09/152008/23Measures to implement following the international markets developments Banks
Financial Institutions
Other Institutions
2008/09/152008/22Reporting on portfolio of structured products including the portfolio of Lebanese Eurobond Credit Linked NotesBanks
Financial Institutions
2008/09/152008/21Submission of E-Mail addresses to BCCLBanks
Financial Institutions
Other Institutions
2008/09/132008/20Specific reserve on doubtful and total loss loans as per BDL basic cir. No.73 Banks
External Auditors
2008/09/042008/19Information about Head and Members of Audit CommitteeBanks
2008/09/012008/18Quantitative Impact Study on Capital Adequacy as per Basel 2Banks
2008/07/262008/17Disclosure of risks in the application form related to issuing and/or marketing structured financial products or collective investment schemes Banks
Financial Institutions
Other Institutions
2008/06/102008/15Extension of deadline to start using the new BCC reporting system Banks
Financial Institutions
2008/05/132008/14Reporting of indirect participations of banks abroad before 18/4/2008Banks
2008/04/172008/13Extension of transitory period to start using the new BCCL system for reportingBanks
Financial Institutions
2008/04/172008/12Supervisory form on information technology matters in banks, financial institutions and brokerage firmsBanks
Financial Institutions
Other Institutions
2008/04/022008/10Special reserve on Foreclosed assetsBanks
External Auditors
2008/03/222008/09Reporting on portfolio of structured products including the portfolio of Lebanese Eurobond Credit Linked NotesBanks
Financial Institutions
Other Institutions
2008/03/152008/08Quantitative Impact Study on Capital Adequacy as per Basel 2Banks
2008/02/192008/07BCCL WebsiteBanks
Financial Institutions
Exchange Institutions
External Auditors
Other Institutions
2008/02/012008/05Amendments of some supervisory templates submitted to BCC Banks
2008/01/142008/04Special Reserve on real estate assets subject to liquidation as per BDL basic cir. No. 78 dated 21/12/2000 and its amendmentsBanks
External Auditors
2008/01/072008/03Application of Basel 2 accord (addressed to foreign banks operating in Lebanon)Banks
2008/09/242008/01Auditors reports of Islamic Banks in accordance with BCC circular No.21 dated 25/7/1994 and BDL circular No.107 dated 17/2/2007External Auditors
2008/01/032008/01Invitation of banks and financial institutions for a meeting regarding the new BCC reporting systemBanks
Financial Institutions
2007/12/222007/21Evolution of collective provisions on portfolio of loans related to Israel War in 2006Banks
Financial Institutions
Other Institutions
2007/12/142007/20Preparation for the adoption of the New BCCL reporting systemBanks
Financial Institutions
2007/12/042007/19Information on banks' on credit ratingBanks
2007/10/102007/18Quantitative Impact Study on Capital Adequacy as per Basel 2Banks
2007/10/032007/16Regulating the relationships between banks/financial institutions operating in Lebanon and their branches and subsidiaries abroad Banks
Financial Institutions
2007/09/072007/14Information on portfolio of shares and bondsBanks
2007/08/292007/13Information on financial instruments Banks
Financial Institutions
Other Institutions
2007/08/232007/12Forms AT1 & BT1 related to Bank Identification Numbers BIN of debit and credit cardsBanks
Financial Institutions
Other Institutions
2007/07/302007/11Form BT1 related to BIN of credit and debit cards Banks
Financial Institutions
2007/07/302007/10Form AT1 related to BIN of Credit and Debit Cards Other Institutions
2007/07/212007/09Typing Error in BCCL memo No. 8/2007 dated 18/7/2007Banks
2007/07/182007/08Update of the second volume of BCCL Audit Manual of Banks Banks
Financial Institutions
External Auditors
2007/05/192007/07Customers' deposits tranches and number of depositors Banks
2007/05/142007/06Follow-up on Basel 2 implementationBanks
2007/04/242007/05Information on portfolio of shares and bondsBanks
2006/10/162006/11Assessment of losses on loans resulting from Israel war on LebanonBanks
Financial Institutions
Other Institutions
2006/09/122006/10BCC circular. No. 250 dated 23/5/2006Banks
Financial Institutions
External Auditors
2006/09/012006/09Assessment of losses on loans resulting from Israel war on LebanonBanks
Financial Institutions
Other Institutions
2006/08/232006/07Impact of Israeli war on Lebanon on the soundness of the banking systemBanks
Financial Institutions
Other Institutions
2006/07/192006/06Basel 2 Action Plan Banks
2006/05/272006/05Customers' deposits tranches and number of depositorsBanks
2006/04/192006/04Issuance of the update on the second volume of the BCCL Audit Manual of BanksBanks
Financial Institutions
External Auditors
2006/04/072006/03Preparation for Basel implementationBanks
2006/02/042006/01Information on Loans against sharesBanks
Financial Institutions
2003/11/112003/02Deadline for submission of auditors report on money launderingExternal Auditors
2003/01/162003/02 Computation of the ratio of net liquid assets in foreign currencies Banks
2000/04/202000/04Information of borrowers who benefit from BDL Basic cir. No. 22 dated 8/2/1996Banks
Financial Institutions
Other Institutions
1999/11/091999/12Statements to be submitted in accordance with BDL circular No.47 dated 4/6/1998 and BCC circular No.206 dated 7/8/1998Banks
Financial Institutions
1999/04/011999/05Accounting Treatment of profits resulting from swap operations on Lebanese Treasury Bills in LBPBanks
1999/03/101999/03Legal form for pledging of cash collateral against loans Banks
Financial Institutions
1999/11/251999/01Review reports and information requested from auditors External Auditors
1994/07/251994/0Issuance of BCC circular No. 21 addressed to External AuditorsBanks
Issue DateNo.DescriptionAddressee
2024/11/282024/02Fresh Funds Coverage Ratio (100% Ratio) as per BDL Basic Circular No.150 dated 9/4/2020Banks
2024/09/022024/01Supervisory templates to be submitted to BCCInstitutions Engaged with Electronic Financial Operations
2024/06/042024/01Reporting of banker’s cheques not yet presented to collectionBanks,External Auditors
2024/02/072024/01Reporting of Tier 1 equity for the calculation of prudential limits and ratios of financial institutionsFinancial Institutions
2023/08/012023/02Procedures to monitor the use of loans granted to customersBanks
2023/04/182023/01Information on E-walletsBanks,Financial Institutions,Institutions Engaged with Electronic Financial Operations
2022/12/232022/08P&L in foreign currencies - Fresh FundsBanks
2022/09/052022/07Non-financial sector deposits in foreign currencies Banks
2022/08/182022/06Interbank Offered Rates Banks,Financial Institutions
2022/03/282022/04Revaluation of Real estate Assets subject to articles 153 & 154 of the Law of Money & Credit Banks
2022/03/142022/03Customers’ deposits tranches in foreign currencies Banks
2022/02/182022/02Amendment of some templates in BCCL circular No.299 dated 1/10/2020 Banks
2021/09/202021/08Reporting of some information as per BDL Basic circular No.158 dated 8/6/2021 Banks
2021/09/202021/07Liquidity Abroad as per BDL Basic circular No.154 dated 27/8/2020 Banks
2021/08/312021/05Preparation for IBOR Transition Banks,Financial Institutions
2021/02/122021/04Principles of carrying out transactions with clients and implementation of BDL Basic Circular No.158 dated 8/6/2021Banks
2021/02/222021/03Amendment of some articles and templates of BCC Circular No.299 related to Capital Adequacy ComputationBanks
2021/02/152021/02Amendment of template 153A “Computation of Excess on 153 limit" Banks,Financial Institutions
2021/01/052021/01Electronic Reporting to BCCL through BDL secured Network SeBILBanks
2020/12/242020/18Liquidity abroad as per BDL Basic No. 13262 dated 27/8/2020Banks
2020/11/182020/17Amendment of templates EQF & EQFP related to computation of equity of Financial InstitutionsFinancial Institutions
2020/11/182020/16Amendment of EQB template "Tier 1 equity for calculation of prudential ratios"Banks
2020/10/222020/15Plan for complying with capital requirementsBanks
2020/10/022020/14Measures related to loans, cheques and transfers Banks
2020/08/182020/13Fresh Money as per BDL Basic Decision No.13217 dated 9/4/2020 (Basic Circular No.150Banks
2020/07/102020/12Amendment of form MGAP “Maturity of Assets, Liabilities & Off-BS items” Banks
2020/07/102020/11Reporting of provisions taken in LBP against Foreign currency assets and off BS foreign currency commitmentsBanks
2020/06/092020/10Extension of the deadline for submission of some reports Banks,Financial Institutions,External Auditors
2020/06/052020/09Information on transfers to and from abroad Banks
2020/05/052020/08Exceptional Loans as per BDL Basic Decision No. 6116 dated 7/3/1996 (Circular No.23) Banks,Financial Institutions
2020/03/112020/07Information on transfers to abroadBanks
2020/02/252020/06Strategy and Business plan of banksBanks
2020/02/182020/05Computation of Capital Adequacy Ratios as at 31/12/2020Banks,External Auditors
2020/02/122020/04Customers' Deposits Tranches and number of clientsBanks
2020/01/272020/03Eurobonds portfolio of banks, financial institutions and their clients Banks,Financial Institutions
2020/01/212020/02Computation of LBP "Loans to Deposits Ratio" Banks
2020/01/142020/01Information on transfers to Swiss BanksBanks
2019/12/182019/14Interest Rates on Deposits and LoansBanks
2019/12/132019/13Capital increase through USD cash contributions Banks
2019/10/282019/12Reporting BCC of some supervisory templatesBanks
2019/10/102019/11Computation of Capital Adequacy Ratios as at 30/9/2019Banks,External Auditors
2019/08/222019/10Informing BCC of day-one profits recorded in P&L on financial engineering with BDLBanks,Financial Institutions,External Auditors
2019/07/232019/09Computation of Capital Capital Adequacy Ratios as at 30/6/2019 Banks,External Auditors
2019/07/082019/08Electronic copy of template PB-BDL-A related to subsidized loansBanks
2019/06/112019/07Supervisory template on fees and charges of banking products and services Banks
2019/05/082019/06Procedures to submit the Loan Portfolio Database to BCCL onsite teams Banks
2019/05/082019/05Computation of Capital Adequacy Ratios as at 31/3/2019Banks,External Auditors
2019/05/082019/04BCCL approval on provisions against non-performing loansBanks,Financial Institutions
2019/05/082019/03Prior approval on the release of provisions related to loans examined by BCCLBanks,Financial Institutions
2019/11/022019/02Computation Capital Adequacy Ratios as at 31/12/2018Banks
2019/11/302019/01Procedures to be followed up by exchange institutions Exchange Institutions
2019/02/072019/01Reporting related to the policy on the “principles of banking and financial operations with customers" Banks,Financial Institutions
2018/12/222018/20Revaluation of participations in startup companies and venture capitalBanks
2018/12/192018/19Credit files and other requirements for loan origination and processingBanks,Financial Institutions
2018/11/282018/18Computation of Fixed FX positions approved by BDLBanks
2018/11/052018/17Correspondence with BCCL Banks,Financial Institutions,Exchange Institutions,Specialized Lending Entities (Credit Counters)
2018/11/052018/16Special email for reporting purposes for each bank and financial institution  Banks,Financial Institutions
2018/10/182018/15Computation of Capital Adequacy Ratios as at 30/9/2018Banks
2018/09/132018/14Reporting of Transactions on Financial Instruments Banks,Financial Institutions
2018/09/122018/13Auditors' Reports of Venture CapitalBanks
2018/07/262018/12Computation of Capital Adequacy Ratios as at 30/6/2018Banks
2018/05/292018/11 Procedures for checking the execution of cash increase in equity Banks,Financial Institutions,External Auditors
2018/05/102018/10Computation of Capital Adequacy Ratios as at 31/3/2018Banks
2018/04/122018/09Housing loans granted as per BDL Basic Decisions No. 6116 (Circular No. 23) and 7835 (Circular 84)Banks
2018/04/052018/08Amendment of some BCCL supervisory templates Banks,Financial Institutions
2018/04/032018/07Acquisition of foreclosed assets as per article 154 of the Money and Credit LawBanks
2018/03/012018/06Profit or Loss statementBanks,Financial Institutions,External Auditors
2018/02/202018/05 Conference on Consumer ProtectionBanks,Financial Institutions
2018/02/082018/04Compuation of Capital Adequacy Ratios as at 31/12/2017Banks
2018/01/292018/03Reporting of operational risk lossesBanks,Financial Institutions
2018/01/292018/02Customers' Deposits Tranches and number of clientsBanks
2018/01/292018/01 Participation of banks in startup companies, incubators, accelerators, venture capital and holding companies Banks
2017/12/042017/14Information on non - housing loans subject to BDL Basic Circulars No. 80, No. 23 and No.84Banks,Financial Institutions
2017/10/252017/13Computation of Capital Adequacy Ratios as at 30/9/2017 Banks
2017/10/192017/12Requirement for banks to verify the compliance of exchange institutions with article 10 of Basic Decision No. 7933 dated 27/9/2001Banks
2017/10/092017/11Information needed to perform a QIS on LCR as at 30/9/2017 Banks
2017/10/092017/10information on Loans in LBP and Foreign Currencies between 31/12/2016 and 30/9/2017 Banks
2017/07/182017/09Submission of templates 2C, 2D, 2G and 3B Banks
2017/07/132017/08Computation of Capital Adequacy Ratios as at 30/06/2017Banks
2017/06/302017/07Relationship of banks with foreign correspondents Banks
2017/04/242017/06Computation of capital Adequacy Ratios as at 31/03/2017 Banks
2017/04/122017/05Amendment of BCC Circular No.283 dated 6/10/2015 regarding the Internal Capital Adequacy Assessment Process Banks
2017/02/102017/04Profits realized on the sale of sovereign financial instruments in LBP and purchase simultaneously financial instruments in FC as per BDL Central Council Intermediate Decision No 12411 dated 30/12/2016Banks
2017/02/042017/03Computation of Capital Adequacy Ratios as at 31/12/2016 Banks
2017/01/252017/02Relationship of banks with foreign correspondents Banks
2017/12/012017/01Profits realized on the sale of sovereign financial instruments in LBP and purchase simultaneously financial instruments in FC as per BDL Central Council Intermediate Decision No 12411 dated 30/12/2016Banks
2017/06/302017/01Relationship of financial institutions with foreign correspondents Financial Institutions
2016/12/312016/22New supervisory template on the maturity of Assets, Liabilities and Off - BS itemsBanks
2016/12/162016/21Submission to BCC of Information on banks’ senior management Banks,Financial Institutions
2016/12/162016/20Remuneration and compensation of banks’ employees Banks
2016/12/072016/19Profits realized on the sale of sovereign financial instruments in LBP and purchase simultaneously financial instruments in FC as per BDL Central Council Intermediate Decision No 12373 dated 8/11/2016 Banks
2016/11/282016/18Information needed to perform the forurth QIS on LCR as at 30/9/2016Banks
2016/10/282016/17Profits realized on the sale of sovereign financial instruments in LBP and purchase simultaneously financial instruments in FC as per BDL Intermediate circular No.428 dated 25/06/2016Banks
2016/10/132016/16Profits realized on the sale of sovereign financial instruments in LBP and purchase simultaneously financial instruments in FC as per BDL Intermediate circular No.428 dated 25/06/2016Banks
2016/09/192016/14Extension of the deadline to obtain clients' signatures on the rights and duties formBanks,Financial Institutions
2016/09/052016/13Reporting to BCCL on fraud, misconduct and material incidents Banks
2016/09/052016/12Profits realized on the sale of sovereign financial instruments in LBP and purchase simultaneously financial instruments in FC as per BDL Intermediate circular No.428 dated 25/06/2016Banks
2016/08/262016/11Computation of Capital Adequacy Ratios as at 30/6/2016 Banks
2016/07/122016/10Operations on financial instruments as per BDL intermediate Circular No. 429 dated 25/6/2016Banks,Financial Institutions
2016/07/122016/09Profits realized on the sale of sovereign financial instruments in LBP and purchase simultaneously financial instruments in FC as per BDL Intermediate circular No.428 dated 25/6/2016Banks
2016/07/012016/08Follow-up on developments in financial markets Banks,Financial Institutions
2016/05/132016/06Placements in funds Banks,External Auditors
2016/03/212016/05Computation of Capital Adequacy Ratios as at 31/12/2015Banks
2016/03/012016/04Follow-up on the exposure of banks to correspondents abroadBanks
2016/02/232016/03Dividends Distribution for year 2015Banks
2016/02/232016/02Loan Portfolio Database to be submitted to BCCL onsite teams as per BCCL Memo No. 17/2011Banks
2016/07/012016/01Report on Senior Management of Financial institutionsFinancial Institutions
2016/02/262016/01Impairment Test on participations of banks and financial institutions abroadExternal Auditors
2015/12/282015/26Banks' portfolio of Lebanese EurobondsBanks
2015/12/282015/25Reporting of Forms CP1 and BD1Banks,Financial Institutions
2015/11/262015/24Extension of deadline to obtain the signature of clients on the List of Customer's rights and dutiesBanks,Financial Institutions
2015/11/262015/23Amendment of form 3 A regarding customers' deposits tranches (in LBP and Foreign Currencies)Banks
2015/10/162015/22Information needed to perform a QIS on LCR as at 30/9/2015Banks
2015/09/142015/21BCCL Classification of LoansBanks,Financial Institutions
2015/08/212015/20Computation of Capital Adequacy Ratios as at 30/6/2015Banks
2015/08/132015/19Required Margin on LC'sBanks
2015/07/032015/16Required margins on spot and forward FX transactions Banks
2015/06/262015/15Reporting on daily cash transactions in LBP and foreign currenciesBanks
2015/06/172015/14Cancellation of some BCCL circularsBanks,Financial Institutions,External Auditors
2015/05/282015/13Constitution of the "Reserve for General Banking Risks" Banks,External Auditors
2015/05/212015/12Liquidation of foreclosed assets as per article 154 of Law of Money and CreditBanks
2015/05/192015/11Amendment of BCCL circular No. 280 dated 2/1/2015
it was 21/1/2015
Banks,Financial Institutions,External Auditors
2015/05/182015/10Periodic Automated Templates to be submitted to BCCLBanks,Financial Institutions
2015/04/252015/09Conference on the "Principles of Carrying out Banking and Financial Operations with Clients"Banks,Financial Institutions
2015/04/222015/08Documents related to subsidized loans to be submitted to BCCL Banks,Financial Institutions
2015/02/282015/06Reporting on Negative NAV and Insufficient MarginsBanks
2015/02/182015/05Computation of Capital Adequacy Ratios as at 31/12/2014Banks
2015/02/022015/04Reporting of placements and open positions with Boston Prime LtdBanks,Financial Institutions
2015/01/292015/03Reporting of Housing Loans granted by the Public Institution for HousingBanks
2015/01/192015/02Reporting of placemments and open positions with correspondent banks abroadBanks,Financial Institutions
2015/07/032015/01Report on participations in startup companiesOther Institutions
2015/01/152015/01Reporting of debtor accounts freezed by the SICBanks,Financial Institutions
2014/12/292014/10Borrowing from Non-Resident Non Related Financial Sector against pledge of financial securitiesBanks,Financial Institutions
2014/12/172014/09Request of Information about people in charge of submitting periodic reports to BCCLBanks,Financial Institutions
2014/11/082014/08Information needed to perform a QIS on Liquidity Coverage Ratio (LCR)Banks
2014/10/232014/07Amendments of BCCL circular No. 279 dated 20/10/2014 regarding the maximum limits on loans granted to related parties as per article 152 of the Law of Money and CreditBanks,Financial Institutions,External Auditors
2014/10/202014/06Reporting on deposits withdrawn from investments banks before 6 months of the initial date of the depositBanks,External Auditors
2014/08/142014/05Computation of Capital Adequacy Ratios as at 30/6/2014Banks
2014/06/022014/04Resolution of breaches related to Housing Loans as per BDL Basic circular No. 84 dated 2/6/2001 and its amendmentsBanks,External Auditors
2014/02/272014/03Computation of Capital Adequacy Ratios as at 31/12/2013Banks
2014/02/102014/01Reporting of some values and ratios of financial institutions Financial Institutions
2014/02/072014/01Submission of information regarding the export and import of banknotes and precious metals as per BDL circular No. 89 dated 11/1/2002Banks
2013/10/072013/14Housing Loans (primary residence) subject to BDL Basic circular No. 84 dated 2/6/2001 and its amendmentsBanks,External Auditors
2013/09/282013/13Reporting of loans against shares of banks and financial institutions Banks,Financial Institutions
2013/09/272013/12Computation of Capital Adequacy Ratios as at 30/6/2013Banks
2013/08/272013/11Reporting of Housing Loans subject to BDL circular No. 84 dated 2/6/2001 and its amendmentsBanks
2013/08/062013/10Information needed for a QIS on Liquidity Coverage Ratio (LCR)Banks
2013/07/172013/09Workshop on the content of BCCL circular No. 276 dated 21/6/2013Banks
2013/06/182013/08Reporting of Information on interest subsidized loans Banks
2013/06/032013/07Report on Internal Capital Adequacy Assessment ProcessBanks
2013/04/222013/06Reporting of gold positions between 10/4/2013 & 17/4/2013Banks,Financial Institutions,Other Institutions
2013/04/222013/05Reporting of interest subsidized loans to BCCLBanks
2013/04/112013/04Computation of Capital Adequacy Ratios as at 31/12/2012Banks
2013/02/052013/02Computation of the fixed assets to total investments ratio of Islamic Banks Banks
2013/01/192013/01Amendment of some supervisory templates required by BCCFinancial Institutions
2013/01/172013/01New supervisory templates and amendment of existing OnesBanks
2012/11/032012/09Security measures related to ATMsBanks,Financial Institutions,Other Institutions
2012/10/092012/08Reporting of P&L for Islamic Banks Banks
2012/10/042012/07Information on loans granted against shares of banks and financial institutions Banks,Financial Institutions
2012/09/072012/06Computation of Capital Adequacy Ratios as at 30/6/2012Banks
2012/09/072012/06BDL Intermediate circular No.290 dated 27/1/2012Other Institutions
2012/09/072012/05BDL Intermediate circular No.290 dated 27/1/2012Financial Institutions
2012/06/122012/05Secrecy of information included in BCC reports and correspondence Banks,Financial Institutions,Exchange Institutions,Other Institutions
2012/06/212012/04Amendment of the supervisory template related to shortage in margins and negative NAVOther Institutions
2012/06/212012/03Amendment of the supervisory template related to shortage in margins and negative NAVFinancial Institutions
2012/03/312012/03Computation of Capital Adequacy Ratios as at 31/12/2011Banks,External Auditors
2012/04/212012/02Reporting on shortage in margins and negative NAVOther Institutions
2012/03/062012/02Reporting of some balance sheet items per countryBanks
2012/11/012012/01 Reports and Information requested from External auditorsExternal Auditors
2012/04/212012/01Reporting on shortage in margins and negative NAVFinancial Institutions
2012/01/312012/01Organization of credit filesBanks,Financial Institutions
2011/11/042011/18Reporting of financial instruments and placements with MF globalBanks,Financial Institutions,Other Institutions
2011/10/262011/17Specific IT program related to the Loan Portfolio Database Banks
2011/10/202011/16Use of credit and debit cards on the points of sale Banks,Financial Institutions,Other Institutions
2011/09/222011/15Interest rates, commissions and charges on debtor and creditor accountsBanks
2011/09/212011/14Amendment of some superviosry templatesBanks,Financial Institutions
2011/08/192011/13Computation of Capital Adequacy Ratios as at 30/6/2011Banks
2011/05/302011/10Amendment of deadline to submit the template related to financial instruments issued abroad as per BCC Memo No.3/2011 Banks,Financial Institutions
2011/05/282011/09Credit facilities used abroad Banks
2011/05/262011/08Supervisory templates of banksBanks
2011/05/112011/07Credit facilities used in Syria and Ivory Coast Banks
2011/03/242011/05Customers' deposits tranches and number of depositorsBanks
2011/03/142011/04Reporting to BCC of ATM machines ListBanks
2011/03/032011/03Reporting of the portfolio of financial instruments issued abroadBanks,Financial Institutions
2011/05/262011/02Supervisory templates of financial institutionsFinancial Institutions
2011/03/032011/02Computation of Capital Adequacy Ratios as per Basel 2Banks
2011/02/242011/01Amendment of supervsiory templates of financial institutionsFinancial Institutions
2011/02/232011/01Some supervisory templates linked to BCC circulars & memos Banks
2010/12/292010/12Special reserve against unsettled non performing loans as per BDL circular No. 73 dated 18/10/2000Banks
2010/11/302010/10Amendment of BCC circular No. 266Banks,Financial Institutions,Exchange Institutions,Other Institutions
2010/10/202010/09Report on Internal Capital Adequacy Assessment ProcessBanks
2010/07/302010/08Computation of Capital Adequacy Ratios as per Basel 2Banks
2010/07/012010/07Credit facilities used abroad Banks
2010/05/242010/06Credit facilities used abroad Banks
2010/03/302010/05Amendment of BCCL Memo No. 24/2008 on financial
instruments issued abroad
Banks,Financial Institutions,Other Institutions
2010/03/292010/04Computation of Capital Adequacy Ratios as per Basel 2Banks
2010/02/232010/03Implementation of BDL circular No. 63 dated 10/6/1999 related to ATM, credit and debit cards Banks,Financial Institutions,Other Institutions
2010/01/292010/02Management Information System related to risk management Banks
2010/01/092010/01Customers' deposits tranches & number of depositorsBanks
2009/10/302009/15Computation of Capital Adequacy Ratios as per Basel 2Banks
2009/07/282009/13Prior approval on unregulated Islamic transactionsBanks
2009/06/242009/12Compliance with BDL basic circular. No. 103 dated 9/3/2006Banks,Financial Institutions,Other Institutions
2009/06/102009/11Credit facilities used abroad Banks
2009/06/092009/09Corporate Governance Banks
2009/06/012009/08Constitution of "Reserve for general banking risks"Banks
2009/05/062009/07Subsidized Loans related to July 2006 warBanks,Financial Institutions
2009/05/052009/06QIS on capital adequacy ratios as per Basel 2 Banks
2009/04/032009/05Implementation of BCCL circular No. 238Banks
2009/02/042009/03QIS on capital adequacy ratios as per Basel 2Banks
2009/01/262009/02Reporting on transactions with foreign banks and financial institutions Banks,Financial Institutions,Other Institutions
2009/01/232009/01Information on "Reserve for general banking risks" Banks
2008/12/262008/26Amendment of form No. 1 of BCCL memo No. 22/2008 dated 15/9/2008Banks,Financial Institutions,Other Institutions
2008/10/202008/24Information on the portfolio of financial instruments Banks,Financial Institutions,Other Institutions
2008/09/152008/23Measures to implement following the international markets developments Banks,Financial Institutions,Other Institutions
2008/09/152008/22Reporting on portfolio of structured products including the portfolio of Lebanese Eurobond Credit Linked NotesBanks,Financial Institutions
2008/09/152008/21Submission of E-Mail addresses to BCCLBanks,Financial Institutions,Other Institutions
2008/09/132008/20Specific reserve on doubtful and total loss loans as per BDL basic cir. No.73 Banks,External Auditors
2008/09/042008/19Information about Head and Members of Audit CommitteeBanks
2008/09/012008/18Quantitative Impact Study on Capital Adequacy as per Basel 2Banks
2008/07/262008/17Disclosure of risks in the application form related to issuing and/or marketing structured financial products or collective investment schemes Banks,Financial Institutions,Other Institutions
2008/06/102008/15Extension of deadline to start using the new BCC reporting system Banks,Financial Institutions
2008/05/132008/14Reporting of indirect participations of banks abroad before 18/4/2008Banks
2008/04/172008/13Extension of transitory period to start using the new BCCL system for reportingBanks,Financial Institutions
2008/04/172008/12Supervisory form on information technology matters in banks, financial institutions and brokerage firmsBanks,Financial Institutions,Other Institutions
2008/04/022008/10Special reserve on Foreclosed assetsBanks,External Auditors
2008/03/222008/09Reporting on portfolio of structured products including the portfolio of Lebanese Eurobond Credit Linked NotesBanks,Financial Institutions,Other Institutions
2008/03/152008/08Quantitative Impact Study on Capital Adequacy as per Basel 2Banks
2008/02/192008/07BCCL WebsiteBanks,Financial Institutions,Exchange Institutions,External Auditors,Other Institutions
2008/02/012008/05Amendments of some supervisory templates submitted to BCC Banks
2008/01/142008/04Special Reserve on real estate assets subject to liquidation as per BDL basic cir. No. 78 dated 21/12/2000 and its amendmentsBanks,External Auditors
2008/01/072008/03Application of Basel 2 accord (addressed to foreign banks operating in Lebanon)Banks
2008/09/242008/01Auditors reports of Islamic Banks in accordance with BCC circular No.21 dated 25/7/1994 and BDL circular No.107 dated 17/2/2007External Auditors
2008/01/032008/01Invitation of banks and financial institutions for a meeting regarding the new BCC reporting systemBanks,Financial Institutions
2007/12/222007/21Evolution of collective provisions on portfolio of loans related to Israel War in 2006Banks,Financial Institutions,Other Institutions
2007/12/142007/20Preparation for the adoption of the New BCCL reporting systemBanks,Financial Institutions
2007/12/042007/19Information on banks' on credit ratingBanks
2007/10/102007/18Quantitative Impact Study on Capital Adequacy as per Basel 2Banks
2007/10/032007/16Regulating the relationships between banks/financial institutions operating in Lebanon and their branches and subsidiaries abroad Banks,Financial Institutions
2007/09/072007/14Information on portfolio of shares and bondsBanks
2007/08/292007/13Information on financial instruments Banks,Financial Institutions,Other Institutions
2007/08/232007/12Forms AT1 & BT1 related to Bank Identification Numbers BIN of debit and credit cardsBanks,Financial Institutions,Other Institutions
2007/07/302007/11Form BT1 related to BIN of credit and debit cards Banks,Financial Institutions
2007/07/302007/10Form AT1 related to BIN of Credit and Debit Cards Other Institutions
2007/07/212007/09Typing Error in BCCL memo No. 8/2007 dated 18/7/2007Banks
2007/07/182007/08Update of the second volume of BCCL Audit Manual of Banks Banks,Financial Institutions,External Auditors
2007/05/192007/07Customers' deposits tranches and number of depositors Banks
2007/05/142007/06Follow-up on Basel 2 implementationBanks
2007/04/242007/05Information on portfolio of shares and bondsBanks
2006/10/162006/11Assessment of losses on loans resulting from Israel war on LebanonBanks,Financial Institutions,Other Institutions
2006/09/122006/10BCC circular. No. 250 dated 23/5/2006Banks,Financial Institutions,External Auditors
2006/09/012006/09Assessment of losses on loans resulting from Israel war on LebanonBanks,Financial Institutions,Other Institutions
2006/08/232006/07Impact of Israeli war on Lebanon on the soundness of the banking systemBanks,Financial Institutions,Other Institutions
2006/07/192006/06Basel 2 Action Plan Banks
2006/05/272006/05Customers' deposits tranches and number of depositorsBanks
2006/04/192006/04Issuance of the update on the second volume of the BCCL Audit Manual of BanksBanks,Financial Institutions,External Auditors
2006/04/072006/03Preparation for Basel implementationBanks
2006/02/042006/01Information on Loans against sharesBanks,Financial Institutions
2003/11/112003/02Deadline for submission of auditors report on money launderingExternal Auditors
2003/01/162003/02 Computation of the ratio of net liquid assets in foreign currencies Banks
2000/04/202000/04Information of borrowers who benefit from BDL Basic cir. No. 22 dated 8/2/1996Banks,Financial Institutions,Other Institutions
1999/11/091999/12Statements to be submitted in accordance with BDL circular No.47 dated 4/6/1998 and BCC circular No.206 dated 7/8/1998Banks,Financial Institutions
1999/04/011999/05Accounting Treatment of profits resulting from swap operations on Lebanese Treasury Bills in LBPBanks
1999/03/101999/03Legal form for pledging of cash collateral against loans Banks,Financial Institutions
1999/11/251999/01Review reports and information requested from auditors External Auditors
1994/07/251994/0Issuance of BCC circular No. 21 addressed to External AuditorsBanks