BCCL Circulars

Issue DateNo.DescriptionAddressee
2024/02/074Foreign Exchange PositionsFinancial Institutions
External Auditors
2023/11/27300Foreign Exchange PositionsBanks
External Auditors
2021/09/031Implementation of BCCL circular 222 dated 18/8/2000 and 272 dated 27/10/2011 by Institutions Engaged with Electronic Financial OperattionsInstitutions Engaged with Electronic Financial Operations
2020/10/01299Computation of Capital Adequacy Ratios Banks
External Auditors
2020/06/16298 Appointment of Chairman and Board Members of the BCCL Banks
Financial Institutions
Exchange Institutions
External Auditors
2018/09/13297 Computation of LBP "Loan to Deposits Ratio" Banks
2018/06/04296Profits allocated to non Distributable General ReservesBanks
Financial Institutions
2018/04/26295Liquidity Coverage RatioBanks
2017/12/28294Recovery planBanks
2017/12/28293IFRS9 and related disclosuresBanks
Financial Institutions
External Auditors
2017/12/28292Strategy and Business PlanBanks
2017/12/05291Monitoring of interest subsidized loans Banks
Financial Institutions
2017/12/04290Fixed Long FX PositionsBanks
2017/10/25289Academic, Professional, and Ethical Qualifications Banks
Financial Institutions
2017/08/109Financial Statements of Exchange InstitutionsExchange Institutions
2017/03/21288Computation of the maximum limit of the ratio of loans and placements in sovereign and non-sovereign bonds in foreign currencies to customers’ deposits in foreign currencies at related entities abroad Banks
2017/03/15287Participation of banks in startup companies, incubators, accelerators, venture capital and holding companies Banks
External Auditors
2017/01/271Conditions for lending as per articles 183 and 184 of the Law of Money and Credit Specialized Lending Entities (Credit Counters)
2016/09/053 Reporting to BCCL on fraud, misconduct and material incidents Financial Institutions
2016/05/13286Borrowers accounts frozen or closed in conformity with the laws, regulations, procedures, sanctions and restrictions adopted by international legal organizations or by the sovereign authorities Banks
Financial Institutions
2016/03/31285Subsidized Loans in arrears Banks
Financial Institutions
2016/02/15284Restructuring of LoansBanks
Financial Institutions
2015/10/06283Internal Capital Adequacy Assessment ProcessBanks
2015/03/27282Appointment of Chairman and Board Members of the BCCLBanks
Financial Institutions
Exchange Institutions
External Auditors
2015/03/05281Principles for carrying out Banking and Financial Operations with clientsBanks
Financial Institutions
2015/01/02280Retail Loans Classification and Provisioning GuidelinesBanks
Financial Institutions
External Auditors
2014/10/20279Maximum Limits on Related Party Lending as per article 152 of Law of Money and CreditBanks
Financial Institutions
External Auditors
2014/05/21277Tier One Capital for computation of Regulatory LimitsBanks
2013/10/0731Deadline to submit audit reports of brokerage firmsExternal Auditors
2013/06/21276Computation of maximum lending limits Banks
2013/01/29275Core Principles of Liquidity Risk ManagementBanks
Financial Institutions
2012/12/27274Net credit exposure to one correspondent bank abroadBanks
Financial Institutions
2012/11/10273Credit transparency rules and conditionsBanks
Financial Institutions
2011/10/27272IT security in banks, financial institutions and brokerage firmsBanks
Financial Institutions
Other Institutions
2011/09/21271Internal Control and Internal AuditBanks
Financial Institutions
External Auditors
2011/06/10269Investments, placements and participations of investment banksBanks
External Auditors
2011/02/17267Acquisition of foreclosed assets as per article 154 of the Law of Money and CreditBanks
2010/11/25266Reporting of Legal ConflictsBanks
Financial Institutions
Other Institutions
2010/08/18264Summary of Obligatory Reserve Requirements as per BDL Basic Circ. No. 84 and its amendmentsBanks
2010/03/17263Appointment of Chairman and Board Members of the BCCLBanks
Financial Institutions
Exchange Institutions
External Auditors
Other Institutions
2009/12/1630Guidelines on Joint AuditExternal Auditors
2009/12/15262Risk management Function Banks
Financial Institutions
2009/08/21261Credit Risk Mitigation TechniquesBanks
2007/10/08257Computation of Equity to cover operational riskBanks
2007/09/26256Computation of Equity to cover Market RiskBanks
External Auditors
2007/08/03255 Loans provided by BDL to Banks & Financial InstitutionsBanks
Financial Institutions
2007/07/18254Istisnah transactions of Islamic BanksBanks
2007/04/11253Bai’salam operations carried out by Islamic BanksBanks
2006/09/14252Operational risk management as per Basel RequirementsBanks
Financial Institutions
External Auditors
2006/05/29251Computation of prudential limits as per articles 152 & 153 of the Law of Money and Credit Banks
Financial Institutions
2006/05/23250Interest Rate Risk management in banks and financial institutionsBanks
Financial Institutions
External Auditors
2006/03/07249Moudaraba Operations Carried out by Islamic BanksBanks
2005/10/31247“Ijarah and Ijarah muntahia bittamleek” carried out by Islamic BanksBanks
2005/07/13246“Musharaka” transactions executed by the Islamic BanksBanks
2005/02/02243Appointment of Chairman and Board Members of the BCCLBanks
Financial Institutions
Exchange Institutions
External Auditors
Other Institutions
2004/06/30242Principles of Risk ManagementBanks
Financial Institutions
External Auditors
2004/01/21241Settlements of Non - Performing Loans Portfolio as at 30/6/2003Banks
Financial Institutions
External Auditors
2002/10/23238Credit Files and other requirements for loan origination and processingBanks
Financial Institutions
2002/03/13236 Net Liquid Asset Ratio in foreign currenciesBanks
2001/08/07233Securitized Loans in foreign currenciesBanks
Financial Institutions
Other Institutions
2000/08/18222IT Security GuidelinesBanks
Financial Institutions
Other Institutions
2000/04/2629Allocation of Annual Profits of banksExternal Auditors
2000/04/20221Distribution of DividendsBanks
2000/02/258Organization of the business of exchange institutionsExchange Institutions
2000/02/1827Special Report on Anti - Money LaunderingExternal Auditors
2000/02/02219Appointment of Chairman and Board Members of the BCCLBanks
Financial Institutions
Exchange Institutions
External Auditors
Other Institutions
2000/01/2526Compliance of banks with AML procedures agreed upon with the Association of Banks External Auditors
1999/09/2925Classification of loansExternal Auditors
1999/06/29214Changes in Senior ManagementBanks
Financial Institutions
Other Institutions
1998/09/24208Accounting and Valuation of Collective Investment SchemesBanks
Financial Institutions
External Auditors
Other Institutions
1998/08/07206Providing BCCL with copies of Published Financial StatementsBanks
Financial Institutions
1998/08/06205Disclosure of Introducing Brokerage Transactions in Off-Balance Sheet Banks
Financial Institutions
External Auditors
Other Institutions
1998/07/277Financial Statements of Exchange InstitutionsExchange Institutions
1997/08/04199Published Annual Financial Statements for Listed BanksBanks
External Auditors
1997/07/1023Addressing BCC circular No.21 to Financial InstitutionsExternal Auditors
1997/03/10195Published Quarterly Financial Statements for Listed BanksBanks
External Auditors
1996/01/27188Transfer of Tangible Assets to Real Estate Companies against shares issued by these companiesBanks
1995/04/03180Disclosure of Securities Lending, Repo and Reverse Repo TransactionsBanks
Financial Institutions
1995/01/16174Revaluation of Fixed Assets acquired under the provisions of article 153 of the Law of Money and CreditBanks
1994/09/12173Revaluation of Foreclosed Assets subject to article 154 of the Law of Money and CreditBanks
1994/07/2521Audit reports of banksExternal Auditors
1994/01/2420Auditing compliance with BCC Circular No. 149 dated 7/8/1991External Auditors
1992/12/07157Restrictions on changing the currency of provisions on doubtful loans without the prior consent of the BCCLBanks
1991/08/0919Interest on doubtful Loans and ProvisionsExternal Auditors
1991/02/1117Guidelines to auditors for the preparation of audit reportsExternal Auditors
1990/10/2215Guidelines to auditors for the preparation of audit reportsExternal Auditors
1984/07/1794Submission of Auditors Reports in Arabic LanguageBanks
1983/04/0580Internal Control on FX TransactionsBanks
1981/12/1768Recording Precious metals transactions of clients in Off Balance Sheet statementBanks
1968/11/2711Informing BCCL of fraud, misconduct and material incidentsBanks
Issue DateNo.DescriptionAddressee
2024/02/074Foreign Exchange PositionsFinancial Institutions,External Auditors
2023/11/27300Foreign Exchange PositionsBanks,External Auditors
2021/09/031Implementation of BCCL circular 222 dated 18/8/2000 and 272 dated 27/10/2011 by Institutions Engaged with Electronic Financial OperattionsInstitutions Engaged with Electronic Financial Operations
2020/10/01299Computation of Capital Adequacy Ratios Banks,External Auditors
2020/06/16298 Appointment of Chairman and Board Members of the BCCL Banks,Financial Institutions,Exchange Institutions,External Auditors
2018/09/13297 Computation of LBP "Loan to Deposits Ratio" Banks
2018/06/04296Profits allocated to non Distributable General ReservesBanks,Financial Institutions
2018/04/26295Liquidity Coverage RatioBanks
2017/12/28294Recovery planBanks
2017/12/28293IFRS9 and related disclosuresBanks,Financial Institutions,External Auditors
2017/12/28292Strategy and Business PlanBanks
2017/12/05291Monitoring of interest subsidized loans Banks,Financial Institutions
2017/12/04290Fixed Long FX PositionsBanks
2017/10/25289Academic, Professional, and Ethical Qualifications Banks,Financial Institutions
2017/08/109Financial Statements of Exchange InstitutionsExchange Institutions
2017/03/21288Computation of the maximum limit of the ratio of loans and placements in sovereign and non-sovereign bonds in foreign currencies to customers’ deposits in foreign currencies at related entities abroad Banks
2017/03/15287Participation of banks in startup companies, incubators, accelerators, venture capital and holding companies Banks,External Auditors
2017/01/271Conditions for lending as per articles 183 and 184 of the Law of Money and Credit Specialized Lending Entities (Credit Counters)
2016/09/053 Reporting to BCCL on fraud, misconduct and material incidents Financial Institutions
2016/05/13286Borrowers accounts frozen or closed in conformity with the laws, regulations, procedures, sanctions and restrictions adopted by international legal organizations or by the sovereign authorities Banks,Financial Institutions
2016/03/31285Subsidized Loans in arrears Banks,Financial Institutions
2016/02/15284Restructuring of LoansBanks,Financial Institutions
2015/10/06283Internal Capital Adequacy Assessment ProcessBanks
2015/03/27282Appointment of Chairman and Board Members of the BCCLBanks,Financial Institutions,Exchange Institutions,External Auditors
2015/03/05281Principles for carrying out Banking and Financial Operations with clientsBanks,Financial Institutions
2015/01/02280Retail Loans Classification and Provisioning GuidelinesBanks,Financial Institutions,External Auditors
2014/10/20279Maximum Limits on Related Party Lending as per article 152 of Law of Money and CreditBanks,Financial Institutions,External Auditors
2014/05/21277Tier One Capital for computation of Regulatory LimitsBanks
2013/10/0731Deadline to submit audit reports of brokerage firmsExternal Auditors
2013/06/21276Computation of maximum lending limits Banks
2013/01/29275Core Principles of Liquidity Risk ManagementBanks,Financial Institutions
2012/12/27274Net credit exposure to one correspondent bank abroadBanks,Financial Institutions
2012/11/10273Credit transparency rules and conditionsBanks,Financial Institutions
2011/10/27272IT security in banks, financial institutions and brokerage firmsBanks,Financial Institutions,Other Institutions
2011/09/21271Internal Control and Internal AuditBanks,Financial Institutions,External Auditors
2011/06/10269Investments, placements and participations of investment banksBanks,External Auditors
2011/02/17267Acquisition of foreclosed assets as per article 154 of the Law of Money and CreditBanks
2010/11/25266Reporting of Legal ConflictsBanks,Financial Institutions,Other Institutions
2010/08/18264Summary of Obligatory Reserve Requirements as per BDL Basic Circ. No. 84 and its amendmentsBanks
2010/03/17263Appointment of Chairman and Board Members of the BCCLBanks,Financial Institutions,Exchange Institutions,External Auditors,Other Institutions
2009/12/1630Guidelines on Joint AuditExternal Auditors
2009/12/15262Risk management Function Banks,Financial Institutions
2009/08/21261Credit Risk Mitigation TechniquesBanks
2007/10/08257Computation of Equity to cover operational riskBanks
2007/09/26256Computation of Equity to cover Market RiskBanks,External Auditors
2007/08/03255 Loans provided by BDL to Banks & Financial InstitutionsBanks,Financial Institutions
2007/07/18254Istisnah transactions of Islamic BanksBanks
2007/04/11253Bai’salam operations carried out by Islamic BanksBanks
2006/09/14252Operational risk management as per Basel RequirementsBanks,Financial Institutions,External Auditors
2006/05/29251Computation of prudential limits as per articles 152 & 153 of the Law of Money and Credit Banks,Financial Institutions
2006/05/23250Interest Rate Risk management in banks and financial institutionsBanks,Financial Institutions,External Auditors
2006/03/07249Moudaraba Operations Carried out by Islamic BanksBanks
2005/10/31247“Ijarah and Ijarah muntahia bittamleek” carried out by Islamic BanksBanks
2005/07/13246“Musharaka” transactions executed by the Islamic BanksBanks
2005/02/02243Appointment of Chairman and Board Members of the BCCLBanks,Financial Institutions,Exchange Institutions,External Auditors,Other Institutions
2004/06/30242Principles of Risk ManagementBanks,Financial Institutions,External Auditors
2004/01/21241Settlements of Non - Performing Loans Portfolio as at 30/6/2003Banks,Financial Institutions,External Auditors
2002/10/23238Credit Files and other requirements for loan origination and processingBanks,Financial Institutions
2002/03/13236 Net Liquid Asset Ratio in foreign currenciesBanks
2001/08/07233Securitized Loans in foreign currenciesBanks,Financial Institutions,Other Institutions
2000/08/18222IT Security GuidelinesBanks,Financial Institutions,Other Institutions
2000/04/2629Allocation of Annual Profits of banksExternal Auditors
2000/04/20221Distribution of DividendsBanks
2000/02/258Organization of the business of exchange institutionsExchange Institutions
2000/02/1827Special Report on Anti - Money LaunderingExternal Auditors
2000/02/02219Appointment of Chairman and Board Members of the BCCLBanks,Financial Institutions,Exchange Institutions,External Auditors,Other Institutions
2000/01/2526Compliance of banks with AML procedures agreed upon with the Association of Banks External Auditors
1999/09/2925Classification of loansExternal Auditors
1999/06/29214Changes in Senior ManagementBanks,Financial Institutions,Other Institutions
1998/09/24208Accounting and Valuation of Collective Investment SchemesBanks,Financial Institutions,External Auditors,Other Institutions
1998/08/07206Providing BCCL with copies of Published Financial StatementsBanks,Financial Institutions
1998/08/06205Disclosure of Introducing Brokerage Transactions in Off-Balance Sheet Banks,Financial Institutions,External Auditors,Other Institutions
1998/07/277Financial Statements of Exchange InstitutionsExchange Institutions
1997/08/04199Published Annual Financial Statements for Listed BanksBanks,External Auditors
1997/07/1023Addressing BCC circular No.21 to Financial InstitutionsExternal Auditors
1997/03/10195Published Quarterly Financial Statements for Listed BanksBanks,External Auditors
1996/01/27188Transfer of Tangible Assets to Real Estate Companies against shares issued by these companiesBanks
1995/04/03180Disclosure of Securities Lending, Repo and Reverse Repo TransactionsBanks,Financial Institutions
1995/01/16174Revaluation of Fixed Assets acquired under the provisions of article 153 of the Law of Money and CreditBanks
1994/09/12173Revaluation of Foreclosed Assets subject to article 154 of the Law of Money and CreditBanks
1994/07/2521Audit reports of banksExternal Auditors
1994/01/2420Auditing compliance with BCC Circular No. 149 dated 7/8/1991External Auditors
1992/12/07157Restrictions on changing the currency of provisions on doubtful loans without the prior consent of the BCCLBanks
1991/08/0919Interest on doubtful Loans and ProvisionsExternal Auditors
1991/02/1117Guidelines to auditors for the preparation of audit reportsExternal Auditors
1990/10/2215Guidelines to auditors for the preparation of audit reportsExternal Auditors
1984/07/1794Submission of Auditors Reports in Arabic LanguageBanks
1983/04/0580Internal Control on FX TransactionsBanks
1981/12/1768Recording Precious metals transactions of clients in Off Balance Sheet statementBanks
1968/11/2711Informing BCCL of fraud, misconduct and material incidentsBanks