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TypeYearIssue DateNo.DescriptionAddresseeTopic
Memo20242024/11/282024/02Fresh Funds Coverage Ratio (100% Ratio) as per BDL Basic Circular No.150 dated 9/4/2020BanksFunding and Liquidity Risks,Supervisory Reporting
Memo20242024/09/022024/01Supervisory templates to be submitted to BCCInstitutions Engaged with Electronic Financial Operations Supervisory Reporting,Money Exchange and Payment Services
Memo20242024/06/042024/01Reporting of banker’s cheques not yet presented to collectionBanks,External AuditorsAccounting and External Audit,Supervisory Reporting
Memo20242024/02/072024/01Reporting of Tier 1 equity for the calculation of prudential limits and ratios of financial institutionsFinancial InstitutionsOwn Funds and Capital Adequacy,Prudential Limits and Ratios,Supervisory Reporting
Circular20242024/02/074Foreign Exchange PositionsFinancial Institutions,External AuditorsForeign Exchange and Market Risks,Prudential Limits and Ratios,Supervisory Reporting
Circular20232023/11/27300Foreign Exchange PositionsBanks,External AuditorsForeign Exchange and Market Risks,Prudential Limits and Ratios,Supervisory Reporting
Memo20232023/08/012023/02Procedures to monitor the use of loans granted to customersBanksOperational and Compliance Risks,Credit Risk
Memo20232023/04/182023/01Information on E-walletsBanks,Financial Institutions,Institutions Engaged with Electronic Financial Operations Money Exchange and Payment Services,Supervisory Reporting
Memo20222022/12/232022/08P&L in foreign currencies - Fresh FundsBanksAccounting and External Audit,Supervisory Reporting
Memo20222022/09/052022/07Non-financial sector deposits in foreign currencies BanksConcentration and Other Risks,Funding and Liquidity Risks,Supervisory Reporting
Memo20222022/08/182022/06Interbank Offered Rates Banks,Financial InstitutionsOperational and Compliance Risks
Memo20222022/03/282022/04Revaluation of Real estate Assets subject to articles 153 & 154 of the Law of Money & Credit BanksOperational and Compliance Risks,Supervisory Reporting,Own Funds and Capital Adequacy
Memo20222022/03/142022/03Customers’ deposits tranches in foreign currencies BanksConcentration and Other Risks,Funding and Liquidity Risks,Supervisory Reporting
Memo20222022/02/182022/02Amendment of some templates in BCCL circular No.299 dated 1/10/2020 BanksOwn Funds and Capital Adequacy,Supervisory Reporting
Memo20212021/09/202021/08Reporting of some information as per BDL Basic circular No.158 dated 8/6/2021 BanksFunding and Liquidity Risks,Supervisory Reporting
Memo20212021/09/202021/07Liquidity Abroad as per BDL Basic circular No.154 dated 27/8/2020 BanksFunding and Liquidity Risks,Prudential Limits and Ratios,Supervisory Reporting
Circular20212021/09/031Implementation of BCCL circular 222 dated 18/8/2000 and 272 dated 27/10/2011 by Institutions Engaged with Electronic Financial OperattionsInstitutions Engaged with Electronic Financial Operations Operational and Compliance Risks,Money Exchange and Payment Services
Memo20212021/08/312021/05Preparation for IBOR Transition Banks,Financial InstitutionsOperational and Compliance Risks
Memo20212021/02/222021/03Amendment of some articles and templates of BCC Circular No.299 related to Capital Adequacy ComputationBanksOwn Funds and Capital Adequacy,Prudential Limits and Ratios,Supervisory Reporting
Memo20212021/02/152021/02Amendment of template 153A “Computation of Excess on 153 limit" Banks,Financial InstitutionsOwn Funds and Capital Adequacy,Prudential Limits and Ratios,Supervisory Reporting
Memo20212021/02/122021/04Principles of carrying out transactions with clients and implementation of BDL Basic Circular No.158 dated 8/6/2021BanksOperational and Compliance Risks
Memo20212021/01/052021/01Electronic Reporting to BCCL through BDL secured Network SeBILBanksSupervisory Reporting
Memo20202020/12/242020/18Liquidity abroad as per BDL Basic No. 13262 dated 27/8/2020BanksFunding and Liquidity Risks,Prudential Limits and Ratios,Supervisory Reporting
Memo20202020/11/182020/17Amendment of templates EQF & EQFP related to computation of equity of Financial InstitutionsFinancial InstitutionsOwn Funds and Capital Adequacy,Prudential Limits and Ratios,Supervisory Reporting
Memo20202020/11/182020/16Amendment of EQB template "Tier 1 equity for calculation of prudential ratios"BanksOwn Funds and Capital Adequacy,Prudential Limits and Ratios,Supervisory Reporting
Memo20202020/10/222020/15Plan for complying with capital requirementsBanksOwn Funds and Capital Adequacy
Memo20202020/10/022020/14Measures related to loans, cheques and transfers BanksOperational and Compliance Risks
Circular20202020/10/01299Computation of Capital Adequacy Ratios Banks,External AuditorsCredit Risk,Prudential Limits and Ratios,Operational and Compliance Risks,Own Funds and Capital Adequacy,Supervisory Reporting,Foreign Exchange and Market Risks
Memo20202020/08/182020/13Fresh Money as per BDL Basic Decision No.13217 dated 9/4/2020 (Basic Circular No.150BanksOperational and Compliance Risks,Funding and Liquidity Risks
Memo20202020/07/102020/12Amendment of form MGAP “Maturity of Assets, Liabilities & Off-BS items” BanksFunding and Liquidity Risks,Supervisory Reporting
Memo20202020/07/102020/11Reporting of provisions taken in LBP against Foreign currency assets and off BS foreign currency commitmentsBanksAccounting and External Audit,Credit Risk,Foreign Exchange and Market Risks,Supervisory Reporting
Circular20202020/06/16298 Appointment of Chairman and Board Members of the BCCL Banks,Financial Institutions,Exchange Institutions,External AuditorsOther Topics
Memo20202020/06/092020/10Extension of the deadline for submission of some reports Banks,Financial Institutions,External AuditorsSupervisory Reporting
Memo20202020/06/052020/09Information on transfers to and from abroad BanksFunding and Liquidity Risks,Concentration and Other Risks,Supervisory Reporting
Memo20202020/05/052020/08Exceptional Loans as per BDL Basic Decision No. 6116 dated 7/3/1996 (Circular No.23) Banks,Financial InstitutionsCredit Risk,Supervisory Reporting
Memo20202020/03/112020/07Information on transfers to abroadBanksFunding and Liquidity Risks,Concentration and Other Risks,Supervisory Reporting
Memo20202020/02/252020/06Strategy and Business plan of banksBanksGovernance and Transparency,Concentration and Other Risks
Memo20202020/02/182020/05Computation of Capital Adequacy Ratios as at 31/12/2020Banks,External AuditorsCredit Risk,Foreign Exchange and Market Risks,Prudential Limits and Ratios,Operational and Compliance Risks,Own Funds and Capital Adequacy,Supervisory Reporting
Memo20202020/02/122020/04Customers' Deposits Tranches and number of clientsBanksConcentration and Other Risks,Funding and Liquidity Risks,Supervisory Reporting
Memo20202020/01/272020/03Eurobonds portfolio of banks, financial institutions and their clients Banks,Financial InstitutionsConcentration and Other Risks,Foreign Exchange and Market Risks,Credit Risk,Supervisory Reporting
Memo20202020/01/212020/02Computation of LBP "Loans to Deposits Ratio" BanksFunding and Liquidity Risks,Prudential Limits and Ratios,Supervisory Reporting
Memo20202020/01/142020/01Information on transfers to Swiss BanksBanksFunding and Liquidity Risks,Concentration and Other Risks,Supervisory Reporting
Memo20192019/12/182019/14Interest Rates on Deposits and LoansBanksForeign Exchange and Market Risks,Supervisory Reporting
Memo20192019/12/132019/13Capital increase through USD cash contributions BanksOwn Funds and Capital Adequacy
Memo20192019/11/302019/01Procedures to be followed up by exchange institutions Exchange InstitutionsOperational and Compliance Risks,Money Exchange and Payment Services
Memo20192019/11/022019/02Computation Capital Adequacy Ratios as at 31/12/2018BanksCredit Risk,Foreign Exchange and Market Risks,Prudential Limits and Ratios,Operational and Compliance Risks,Own Funds and Capital Adequacy,Supervisory Reporting
Memo20192019/10/282019/12Reporting BCC of some supervisory templatesBanksSupervisory Reporting
Memo20192019/10/102019/11Computation of Capital Adequacy Ratios as at 30/9/2019Banks,External AuditorsCredit Risk,Foreign Exchange and Market Risks,Prudential Limits and Ratios,Operational and Compliance Risks,Own Funds and Capital Adequacy,Supervisory Reporting
Memo20192019/08/222019/10Informing BCC of day-one profits recorded in P&L on financial engineering with BDLBanks,Financial Institutions,External AuditorsAccounting and External Audit,Supervisory Reporting
Memo20192019/07/232019/09Computation of Capital Capital Adequacy Ratios as at 30/6/2019 Banks,External AuditorsCredit Risk,Foreign Exchange and Market Risks,Prudential Limits and Ratios,Operational and Compliance Risks,Own Funds and Capital Adequacy,Supervisory Reporting
Memo20192019/07/082019/08Electronic copy of template PB-BDL-A related to subsidized loansBanksCredit Risk,Supervisory Reporting
Memo20192019/06/112019/07Supervisory template on fees and charges of banking products and services BanksSupervisory Reporting,Operational and Compliance Risks
Memo20192019/05/082019/06Procedures to submit the Loan Portfolio Database to BCCL onsite teams BanksCredit Risk,Supervisory Reporting
Memo20192019/05/082019/05Computation of Capital Adequacy Ratios as at 31/3/2019Banks,External AuditorsCredit Risk,Prudential Limits and Ratios,Operational and Compliance Risks,Own Funds and Capital Adequacy,Supervisory Reporting,Foreign Exchange and Market Risks
Memo20192019/05/082019/04BCCL approval on provisions against non-performing loansBanks,Financial InstitutionsCredit Risk
Memo20192019/05/082019/03Prior approval on the release of provisions related to loans examined by BCCLBanks,Financial InstitutionsCredit Risk
Memo20192019/02/072019/01Reporting related to the policy on the “principles of banking and financial operations with customers" Banks,Financial InstitutionsSupervisory Reporting,Operational and Compliance Risks
Memo20182018/12/222018/20Revaluation of participations in startup companies and venture capitalBanksAccounting and External Audit,Venture Capital/Startups and Funds
Memo20182018/12/192018/19Credit files and other requirements for loan origination and processingBanks,Financial InstitutionsCredit Risk,Operational and Compliance Risks
Memo20182018/11/282018/18Computation of Fixed FX positions approved by BDLBanksForeign Exchange and Market Risks,Supervisory Reporting
Memo20182018/11/052018/17Correspondence with BCCL Banks,Financial Institutions,Exchange Institutions,Specialized Lending Entities (Credit Counters)Supervisory Reporting
Memo20182018/11/052018/16Special email for reporting purposes for each bank and financial institution  Banks,Financial InstitutionsSupervisory Reporting
Memo20182018/10/182018/15Computation of Capital Adequacy Ratios as at 30/9/2018BanksCredit Risk,Prudential Limits and Ratios,Operational and Compliance Risks,Own Funds and Capital Adequacy,Supervisory Reporting,Foreign Exchange and Market Risks
Memo20182018/09/132018/14Reporting of Transactions on Financial Instruments Banks,Financial InstitutionsForeign Exchange and Market Risks,Supervisory Reporting
Circular20182018/09/13297 Computation of LBP "Loan to Deposits Ratio" BanksFunding and Liquidity Risks,Supervisory Reporting,Concentration and Other Risks
Memo20182018/09/122018/13Auditors' Reports of Venture CapitalBanksVenture Capital/Startups and Funds,Accounting and External Audit
Memo20182018/07/262018/12Computation of Capital Adequacy Ratios as at 30/6/2018BanksCredit Risk,Prudential Limits and Ratios,Operational and Compliance Risks,Own Funds and Capital Adequacy,Supervisory Reporting,Foreign Exchange and Market Risks
Circular20182018/06/04296Profits allocated to non Distributable General ReservesBanks,Financial InstitutionsOwn Funds and Capital Adequacy
Memo20182018/05/292018/11 Procedures for checking the execution of cash increase in equity Banks,Financial Institutions,External AuditorsAccounting and External Audit,Own Funds and Capital Adequacy
Memo20182018/05/102018/10Computation of Capital Adequacy Ratios as at 31/3/2018BanksCredit Risk,Prudential Limits and Ratios,Operational and Compliance Risks,Own Funds and Capital Adequacy,Supervisory Reporting,Foreign Exchange and Market Risks
Circular20182018/04/26295Liquidity Coverage RatioBanksFunding and Liquidity Risks,Prudential Limits and Ratios,Supervisory Reporting
Memo20182018/04/122018/09Housing loans granted as per BDL Basic Decisions No. 6116 (Circular No. 23) and 7835 (Circular 84)BanksCredit Risk,Supervisory Reporting
Memo20182018/04/052018/08Amendment of some BCCL supervisory templates Banks,Financial InstitutionsSupervisory Reporting
Memo20182018/04/032018/07Acquisition of foreclosed assets as per article 154 of the Money and Credit LawBanksCredit Risk
Memo20182018/03/012018/06Profit or Loss statementBanks,Financial Institutions,External AuditorsSupervisory Reporting
Memo20182018/02/202018/05 Conference on Consumer ProtectionBanks,Financial InstitutionsOther Topics
Memo20182018/02/082018/04Compuation of Capital Adequacy Ratios as at 31/12/2017BanksCredit Risk,Prudential Limits and Ratios,Operational and Compliance Risks,Own Funds and Capital Adequacy,Supervisory Reporting,Foreign Exchange and Market Risks
Memo20182018/01/292018/03Reporting of operational risk lossesBanks,Financial InstitutionsOperational and Compliance Risks,Supervisory Reporting
Memo20182018/01/292018/02Customers' Deposits Tranches and number of clientsBanksConcentration and Other Risks,Funding and Liquidity Risks,Supervisory Reporting
Memo20182018/01/292018/01 Participation of banks in startup companies, incubators, accelerators, venture capital and holding companies BanksAccounting and External Audit,Venture Capital/Startups and Funds,Prudential Limits and Ratios,Supervisory Reporting,Concentration and Other Risks
Circular20172017/12/28294Recovery planBanksGovernance and Transparency,Recovery and Resolution,Supervisory Reporting
Circular20172017/12/28293IFRS9 and related disclosuresBanks,Financial Institutions,External AuditorsAccounting and External Audit
Circular20172017/12/28292Strategy and Business PlanBanksGovernance and Transparency,Supervisory Reporting
Circular20172017/12/05291Monitoring of interest subsidized loans Banks,Financial InstitutionsCredit Risk
Memo20172017/12/042017/14Information on non - housing loans subject to BDL Basic Circulars No. 80, No. 23 and No.84Banks,Financial InstitutionsCredit Risk,Supervisory Reporting
Circular20172017/12/04290Fixed Long FX PositionsBanksForeign Exchange and Market Risks,Prudential Limits and Ratios,Supervisory Reporting
Memo20172017/12/012017/01Profits realized on the sale of sovereign financial instruments in LBP and purchase simultaneously financial instruments in FC as per BDL Central Council Intermediate Decision No 12411 dated 30/12/2016BanksForeign Exchange and Market Risks,Supervisory Reporting
Memo20172017/10/092017/11Information needed to perform a QIS on LCR as at 30/9/2017 BanksFunding and Liquidity Risks,Supervisory Reporting
Memo20172017/10/092017/10information on Loans in LBP and Foreign Currencies between 31/12/2016 and 30/9/2017 BanksCredit Risk,Supervisory Reporting
Memo20172017/10/252017/13Computation of Capital Adequacy Ratios as at 30/9/2017 BanksCredit Risk,Prudential Limits and Ratios,Operational and Compliance Risks,Own Funds and Capital Adequacy,Supervisory Reporting,Foreign Exchange and Market Risks
Circular20172017/10/25289Academic, Professional, and Ethical Qualifications Banks,Financial InstitutionsGovernance and Transparency,Supervisory Reporting
Memo20172017/10/192017/12Requirement for banks to verify the compliance of exchange institutions with article 10 of Basic Decision No. 7933 dated 27/9/2001BanksOperational and Compliance Risks,Money Exchange and Payment Services
Circular20172017/08/109Financial Statements of Exchange InstitutionsExchange InstitutionsSupervisory Reporting,Money Exchange and Payment Services,Accounting and External Audit
Memo20172017/07/182017/09Submission of templates 2C, 2D, 2G and 3B BanksSupervisory Reporting
Memo20172017/07/132017/08Computation of Capital Adequacy Ratios as at 30/06/2017BanksCredit Risk,Prudential Limits and Ratios,Operational and Compliance Risks,Own Funds and Capital Adequacy,Supervisory Reporting,Foreign Exchange and Market Risks
Memo20172017/06/302017/07Relationship of banks with foreign correspondents BanksConcentration and Other Risks,Supervisory Reporting,Operational and Compliance Risks
Memo20172017/06/302017/01Relationship of financial institutions with foreign correspondents Financial InstitutionsConcentration and Other Risks,Supervisory Reporting,Operational and Compliance Risks
Memo20172017/04/242017/06Computation of capital Adequacy Ratios as at 31/03/2017 BanksCredit Risk,Prudential Limits and Ratios,Operational and Compliance Risks,Own Funds and Capital Adequacy,Supervisory Reporting,Foreign Exchange and Market Risks
Memo20172017/04/122017/05Amendment of BCC Circular No.283 dated 6/10/2015 regarding the Internal Capital Adequacy Assessment Process BanksCredit Risk,Operational and Compliance Risks,Own Funds and Capital Adequacy,Supervisory Reporting,Foreign Exchange and Market Risks,Concentration and Other Risks,Governance and Transparency
Circular20172017/03/21288Computation of the maximum limit of the ratio of loans and placements in sovereign and non-sovereign bonds in foreign currencies to customers’ deposits in foreign currencies at related entities abroad BanksConcentration and Other Risks,Funding and Liquidity Risks,Supervisory Reporting
Circular20172017/03/15287Participation of banks in startup companies, incubators, accelerators, venture capital and holding companies Banks,External AuditorsVenture Capital/Startups and Funds,Concentration and Other Risks,Supervisory Reporting,Accounting and External Audit
Memo20172017/02/102017/04Profits realized on the sale of sovereign financial instruments in LBP and purchase simultaneously financial instruments in FC as per BDL Central Council Intermediate Decision No 12411 dated 30/12/2016BanksForeign Exchange and Market Risks,Supervisory Reporting
Memo20172017/02/042017/03Computation of Capital Adequacy Ratios as at 31/12/2016 BanksCredit Risk,Prudential Limits and Ratios,Operational and Compliance Risks,Own Funds and Capital Adequacy,Supervisory Reporting,Foreign Exchange and Market Risks
Circular20172017/01/271Conditions for lending as per articles 183 and 184 of the Law of Money and Credit Specialized Lending Entities (Credit Counters)Credit Risk,Governance and Transparency
Memo20172017/01/252017/02Relationship of banks with foreign correspondents BanksSupervisory Reporting,Operational and Compliance Risks
Memo20162016/12/312016/22New supervisory template on the maturity of Assets, Liabilities and Off - BS itemsBanksFunding and Liquidity Risks,Supervisory Reporting
Memo20162016/12/162016/21Submission to BCC of Information on banks’ senior management Banks,Financial InstitutionsGovernance and Transparency,Supervisory Reporting
Memo20162016/12/162016/20Remuneration and compensation of banks’ employees BanksGovernance and Transparency,Supervisory Reporting
Memo20162016/12/072016/19Profits realized on the sale of sovereign financial instruments in LBP and purchase simultaneously financial instruments in FC as per BDL Central Council Intermediate Decision No 12373 dated 8/11/2016 BanksForeign Exchange and Market Risks,Supervisory Reporting
Memo20162016/11/282016/18Information needed to perform the forurth QIS on LCR as at 30/9/2016BanksFunding and Liquidity Risks,Supervisory Reporting
Memo20162016/10/282016/17Profits realized on the sale of sovereign financial instruments in LBP and purchase simultaneously financial instruments in FC as per BDL Intermediate circular No.428 dated 25/06/2016BanksForeign Exchange and Market Risks,Supervisory Reporting
Memo20162016/10/132016/16Profits realized on the sale of sovereign financial instruments in LBP and purchase simultaneously financial instruments in FC as per BDL Intermediate circular No.428 dated 25/06/2016BanksForeign Exchange and Market Risks,Supervisory Reporting
Memo20162016/09/192016/14Extension of the deadline to obtain clients' signatures on the rights and duties formBanks,Financial InstitutionsOperational and Compliance Risks
Memo20162016/09/052016/13Reporting to BCCL on fraud, misconduct and material incidents BanksOperational and Compliance Risks,Supervisory Reporting
Memo20162016/09/052016/12Profits realized on the sale of sovereign financial instruments in LBP and purchase simultaneously financial instruments in FC as per BDL Intermediate circular No.428 dated 25/06/2016BanksForeign Exchange and Market Risks,Supervisory Reporting
Circular20162016/09/053 Reporting to BCCL on fraud, misconduct and material incidents Financial InstitutionsOperational and Compliance Risks,Supervisory Reporting
Memo20162016/08/262016/11Computation of Capital Adequacy Ratios as at 30/6/2016 BanksCredit Risk,Prudential Limits and Ratios,Operational and Compliance Risks,Own Funds and Capital Adequacy,Supervisory Reporting,Foreign Exchange and Market Risks
Memo20162016/07/122016/10Operations on financial instruments as per BDL intermediate Circular No. 429 dated 25/6/2016Banks,Financial InstitutionsForeign Exchange and Market Risks,Supervisory Reporting
Memo20162016/07/122016/09Profits realized on the sale of sovereign financial instruments in LBP and purchase simultaneously financial instruments in FC as per BDL Intermediate circular No.428 dated 25/6/2016BanksForeign Exchange and Market Risks,Supervisory Reporting
Memo20162016/07/012016/08Follow-up on developments in financial markets Banks,Financial InstitutionsForeign Exchange and Market Risks,Supervisory Reporting
Memo20162016/07/012016/01Report on Senior Management of Financial institutionsFinancial InstitutionsGovernance and Transparency,Supervisory Reporting
Memo20162016/05/132016/06Placements in funds Banks,External AuditorsVenture Capital/Startups and Funds,Concentration and Other Risks,Supervisory Reporting,Accounting and External Audit
Circular20162016/05/13286Borrowers accounts frozen or closed in conformity with the laws, regulations, procedures, sanctions and restrictions adopted by international legal organizations or by the sovereign authorities Banks,Financial InstitutionsCredit Risk,Operational and Compliance Risks
Circular20162016/03/31285Subsidized Loans in arrears Banks,Financial InstitutionsCredit Risk,Supervisory Reporting
Memo20162016/03/212016/05Computation of Capital Adequacy Ratios as at 31/12/2015BanksCredit Risk,Prudential Limits and Ratios,Operational and Compliance Risks,Own Funds and Capital Adequacy,Supervisory Reporting,Foreign Exchange and Market Risks
Memo20162016/03/012016/04Follow-up on the exposure of banks to correspondents abroadBanksSupervisory Reporting,Operational and Compliance Risks
Memo20162016/02/262016/01Impairment Test on participations of banks and financial institutions abroadExternal AuditorsAccounting and External Audit
Memo20162016/02/232016/03Dividends Distribution for year 2015BanksOwn Funds and Capital Adequacy
Memo20162016/02/232016/02Loan Portfolio Database to be submitted to BCCL onsite teams as per BCCL Memo No. 17/2011BanksCredit Risk,Supervisory Reporting
Circular20162016/02/15284Restructuring of LoansBanks,Financial InstitutionsCredit Risk,Supervisory Reporting
Memo2015 and Before2015/12/282015/26Banks' portfolio of Lebanese EurobondsBanksCredit Risk,Supervisory Reporting,Foreign Exchange and Market Risks,Concentration and Other Risks
Memo2015 and Before2015/12/282015/25Reporting of Forms CP1 and BD1Banks,Financial InstitutionsOperational and Compliance Risks,Supervisory Reporting
Memo2015 and Before2015/11/262015/24Extension of deadline to obtain the signature of clients on the List of Customer's rights and dutiesBanks,Financial InstitutionsOperational and Compliance Risks
Memo2015 and Before2015/11/262015/23Amendment of form 3 A regarding customers' deposits tranches (in LBP and Foreign Currencies)BanksFunding and Liquidity Risks,Supervisory Reporting
Memo2015 and Before2015/10/162015/22Information needed to perform a QIS on LCR as at 30/9/2015BanksFunding and Liquidity Risks,Supervisory Reporting
Circular2015 and Before2015/10/06283Internal Capital Adequacy Assessment ProcessBanksCredit Risk,Operational and Compliance Risks,Own Funds and Capital Adequacy,Supervisory Reporting,Foreign Exchange and Market Risks,Concentration and Other Risks,Governance and Transparency
Memo2015 and Before2015/09/142015/21BCCL Classification of LoansBanks,Financial InstitutionsCredit Risk
Memo2015 and Before2015/08/212015/20Computation of Capital Adequacy Ratios as at 30/6/2015BanksCredit Risk,Prudential Limits and Ratios,Operational and Compliance Risks,Own Funds and Capital Adequacy,Supervisory Reporting,Foreign Exchange and Market Risks
Memo2015 and Before2015/08/132015/19Required Margin on LC'sBanksCredit Risk,Prudential Limits and Ratios
Memo2015 and Before2015/07/032015/16Required margins on spot and forward FX transactions BanksForeign Exchange and Market Risks,Prudential Limits and Ratios
Memo2015 and Before2015/07/032015/01Report on participations in startup companiesOther InstitutionsVenture Capital/Startups and Funds,Supervisory Reporting
Memo2015 and Before2015/06/262015/15Reporting on daily cash transactions in LBP and foreign currenciesBanksFunding and Liquidity Risks,Supervisory Reporting,Operational and Compliance Risks
Memo2015 and Before2015/06/172015/14Cancellation of some BCCL circularsBanks,Financial Institutions,External AuditorsOther Topics
Memo2015 and Before2015/05/282015/13Constitution of the "Reserve for General Banking Risks" Banks,External AuditorsPrudential Limits and Ratios,Own Funds and Capital Adequacy
Memo2015 and Before2015/05/212015/12Liquidation of foreclosed assets as per article 154 of Law of Money and CreditBanksOperational and Compliance Risks,Credit Risk
Memo2015 and Before2015/05/192015/11Amendment of BCCL circular No. 280 dated 2/1/2015
it was 21/1/2015
Banks,Financial Institutions,External AuditorsCredit Risk,Prudential Limits and Ratios,Concentration and Other Risks
Memo2015 and Before2015/05/182015/10Periodic Automated Templates to be submitted to BCCLBanks,Financial InstitutionsSupervisory Reporting
Memo2015 and Before2015/04/252015/09Conference on the "Principles of Carrying out Banking and Financial Operations with Clients"Banks,Financial InstitutionsOther Topics
Memo2015 and Before2015/04/222015/08Documents related to subsidized loans to be submitted to BCCL Banks,Financial InstitutionsCredit Risk
Circular2015 and Before2015/03/27282Appointment of Chairman and Board Members of the BCCLBanks,Financial Institutions,Exchange Institutions,External AuditorsOther Topics
Circular2015 and Before2015/03/05281Principles for carrying out Banking and Financial Operations with clientsBanks,Financial InstitutionsSupervisory Reporting,Operational and Compliance Risks
Memo2015 and Before2015/02/282015/06Reporting on Negative NAV and Insufficient MarginsBanksSupervisory Reporting,Credit Risk,Foreign Exchange and Market Risks
Memo2015 and Before2015/02/182015/05Computation of Capital Adequacy Ratios as at 31/12/2014BanksCredit Risk,Prudential Limits and Ratios,Operational and Compliance Risks,Own Funds and Capital Adequacy,Supervisory Reporting,Foreign Exchange and Market Risks
Memo2015 and Before2015/02/022015/04Reporting of placements and open positions with Boston Prime LtdBanks,Financial InstitutionsCredit Risk,Supervisory Reporting,Concentration and Other Risks
Memo2015 and Before2015/01/292015/03Reporting of Housing Loans granted by the Public Institution for HousingBanksCredit Risk,Supervisory Reporting
Memo2015 and Before2015/01/192015/02Reporting of placemments and open positions with correspondent banks abroadBanks,Financial InstitutionsConcentration and Other Risks,Credit Risk,Supervisory Reporting
Memo2015 and Before2015/01/152015/01Reporting of debtor accounts freezed by the SICBanks,Financial InstitutionsOperational and Compliance Risks,Credit Risk,Supervisory Reporting
Circular2015 and Before2015/01/02280Retail Loans Classification and Provisioning GuidelinesBanks,Financial Institutions,External AuditorsCredit Risk,Prudential Limits and Ratios
Memo2015 and Before2014/12/292014/10Borrowing from Non-Resident Non Related Financial Sector against pledge of financial securitiesBanks,Financial InstitutionsFunding and Liquidity Risks,Prudential Limits and Ratios,Supervisory Reporting
Memo2015 and Before2014/12/172014/09Request of Information about people in charge of submitting periodic reports to BCCLBanks,Financial InstitutionsSupervisory Reporting
Memo2015 and Before2014/11/082014/08Information needed to perform a QIS on Liquidity Coverage Ratio (LCR)BanksFunding and Liquidity Risks
Memo2015 and Before2014/10/232014/07Amendments of BCCL circular No. 279 dated 20/10/2014 regarding the maximum limits on loans granted to related parties as per article 152 of the Law of Money and CreditBanks,Financial Institutions,External AuditorsCredit Risk,Prudential Limits and Ratios,Supervisory Reporting
Memo2015 and Before2014/10/202014/06Reporting on deposits withdrawn from investments banks before 6 months of the initial date of the depositBanks,External AuditorsFunding and Liquidity Risks,Prudential Limits and Ratios,Supervisory Reporting,Investment and Islamic Banking
Circular2015 and Before2014/10/20279Maximum Limits on Related Party Lending as per article 152 of Law of Money and CreditBanks,Financial Institutions,External AuditorsCredit Risk,Prudential Limits and Ratios,Supervisory Reporting
Memo2015 and Before2014/08/142014/05Computation of Capital Adequacy Ratios as at 30/6/2014BanksCredit Risk,Prudential Limits and Ratios,Operational and Compliance Risks,Own Funds and Capital Adequacy,Supervisory Reporting,Foreign Exchange and Market Risks
Memo2015 and Before2014/06/022014/04Resolution of breaches related to Housing Loans as per BDL Basic circular No. 84 dated 2/6/2001 and its amendmentsBanks,External AuditorsCredit Risk,Operational and Compliance Risks
Circular2015 and Before2014/05/21277Tier One Capital for computation of Regulatory LimitsBanksOwn Funds and Capital Adequacy,Supervisory Reporting,Prudential Limits and Ratios
Memo2015 and Before2014/02/272014/03Computation of Capital Adequacy Ratios as at 31/12/2013BanksCredit Risk,Prudential Limits and Ratios,Operational and Compliance Risks,Own Funds and Capital Adequacy,Supervisory Reporting,Foreign Exchange and Market Risks
Memo2015 and Before2014/02/102014/01Reporting of some values and ratios of financial institutions Financial InstitutionsSupervisory Reporting,Funding and Liquidity Risks,Credit Risk,Foreign Exchange and Market Risks,Operational and Compliance Risks,Concentration and Other Risks
Memo2015 and Before2014/02/072014/01Submission of information regarding the export and import of banknotes and precious metals as per BDL circular No. 89 dated 11/1/2002BanksSupervisory Reporting,Operational and Compliance Risks,Money Exchange and Payment Services,Concentration and Other Risks
Memo2015 and Before2013/10/072013/14Housing Loans (primary residence) subject to BDL Basic circular No. 84 dated 2/6/2001 and its amendmentsBanks,External AuditorsCredit Risk,Supervisory Reporting
Circular2015 and Before2013/10/0731Deadline to submit audit reports of brokerage firmsExternal AuditorsAccounting and External Audit,Financial Brokerage
Memo2015 and Before2013/09/282013/13Reporting of loans against shares of banks and financial institutions Banks,Financial InstitutionsPrudential Limits and Ratios,Credit Risk,Supervisory Reporting
Memo2015 and Before2013/09/272013/12Computation of Capital Adequacy Ratios as at 30/6/2013BanksCredit Risk,Prudential Limits and Ratios,Operational and Compliance Risks,Own Funds and Capital Adequacy,Supervisory Reporting,Foreign Exchange and Market Risks
Memo2015 and Before2013/08/272013/11Reporting of Housing Loans subject to BDL circular No. 84 dated 2/6/2001 and its amendmentsBanksCredit Risk,Supervisory Reporting
Memo2015 and Before2013/08/062013/10Information needed for a QIS on Liquidity Coverage Ratio (LCR)BanksFunding and Liquidity Risks,Supervisory Reporting
Memo2015 and Before2013/07/172013/09Workshop on the content of BCCL circular No. 276 dated 21/6/2013BanksOther Topics
Circular2015 and Before2013/06/21276Computation of maximum lending limits BanksConcentration and Other Risks,Credit Risk,Prudential Limits and Ratios,Supervisory Reporting
Memo2015 and Before2013/06/182013/08Reporting of Information on interest subsidized loans BanksCredit Risk,Supervisory Reporting
Memo2015 and Before2013/06/032013/07Report on Internal Capital Adequacy Assessment ProcessBanksCredit Risk,Operational and Compliance Risks,Own Funds and Capital Adequacy,Supervisory Reporting,Foreign Exchange and Market Risks,Concentration and Other Risks,Governance and Transparency
Memo2015 and Before2013/04/222013/06Reporting of gold positions between 10/4/2013 & 17/4/2013Banks,Financial Institutions,Other InstitutionsSupervisory Reporting,Foreign Exchange and Market Risks
Memo2015 and Before2013/04/222013/05Reporting of interest subsidized loans to BCCLBanksCredit Risk,Supervisory Reporting
Memo2015 and Before2013/04/112013/04Computation of Capital Adequacy Ratios as at 31/12/2012BanksCredit Risk,Prudential Limits and Ratios,Operational and Compliance Risks,Own Funds and Capital Adequacy,Supervisory Reporting,Foreign Exchange and Market Risks
Memo2015 and Before2013/02/052013/02Computation of the fixed assets to total investments ratio of Islamic Banks BanksInvestment and Islamic Banking,Prudential Limits and Ratios
Circular2015 and Before2013/01/29275Core Principles of Liquidity Risk ManagementBanks,Financial InstitutionsFunding and Liquidity Risks
Memo2015 and Before2013/01/192013/01Amendment of some supervisory templates required by BCCFinancial InstitutionsSupervisory Reporting
Memo2015 and Before2013/01/172013/01New supervisory templates and amendment of existing OnesBanksSupervisory Reporting
Circular2015 and Before2012/12/27274Net credit exposure to one correspondent bank abroadBanks,Financial InstitutionsCredit Risk,Prudential Limits and Ratios,Supervisory Reporting,Concentration and Other Risks
Circular2015 and Before2012/11/10273Credit transparency rules and conditionsBanks,Financial InstitutionsOperational and Compliance Risks
Memo2015 and Before2012/11/032012/09Security measures related to ATMsBanks,Financial Institutions,Other InstitutionsMoney Exchange and Payment Services,Operational and Compliance Risks
Memo2015 and Before2012/11/012012/01 Reports and Information requested from External auditorsExternal AuditorsAccounting and External Audit
Memo2015 and Before2012/10/092012/08Reporting of P&L for Islamic Banks BanksSupervisory Reporting,Investment and Islamic Banking
Memo2015 and Before2012/10/042012/07Information on loans granted against shares of banks and financial institutions Banks,Financial InstitutionsPrudential Limits and Ratios,Credit Risk,Supervisory Reporting
Memo2015 and Before2012/09/072012/06Computation of Capital Adequacy Ratios as at 30/6/2012BanksCredit Risk,Prudential Limits and Ratios,Operational and Compliance Risks,Own Funds and Capital Adequacy,Supervisory Reporting,Foreign Exchange and Market Risks
Memo2015 and Before2012/09/072012/06BDL Intermediate circular No.290 dated 27/1/2012Other InstitutionsLicensing and Transfer of Ownership,Own Funds and Capital Adequacy,Financial Brokerage
Memo2015 and Before2012/09/072012/05BDL Intermediate circular No.290 dated 27/1/2012Financial InstitutionsLicensing and Transfer of Ownership,Own Funds and Capital Adequacy
Memo2015 and Before2012/06/212012/04Amendment of the supervisory template related to shortage in margins and negative NAVOther Institutions Financial Brokerage
Memo2015 and Before2012/06/212012/03Amendment of the supervisory template related to shortage in margins and negative NAVFinancial InstitutionsSupervisory Reporting,Credit Risk,Foreign Exchange and Market Risks
Memo2015 and Before2012/06/122012/05Secrecy of information included in BCC reports and correspondence Banks,Financial Institutions,Exchange Institutions,Other InstitutionsOperational and Compliance Risks,Financial Brokerage,Supervisory Reporting,Money Exchange and Payment Services
Memo2015 and Before2012/04/212012/02Reporting on shortage in margins and negative NAVOther InstitutionsCredit Risk,Foreign Exchange and Market Risks,Supervisory Reporting,Financial Brokerage
Memo2015 and Before2012/04/212012/01Reporting on shortage in margins and negative NAVFinancial InstitutionsCredit Risk,Foreign Exchange and Market Risks,Supervisory Reporting
Memo2015 and Before2012/03/312012/03Computation of Capital Adequacy Ratios as at 31/12/2011Banks,External AuditorsCredit Risk,Prudential Limits and Ratios,Operational and Compliance Risks,Own Funds and Capital Adequacy,Supervisory Reporting,Foreign Exchange and Market Risks
Memo2015 and Before2012/03/062012/02Reporting of some balance sheet items per countryBanksConcentration and Other Risks,Supervisory Reporting
Memo2015 and Before2012/01/312012/01Organization of credit filesBanks,Financial InstitutionsCredit Risk,Operational and Compliance Risks
Memo2015 and Before2011/11/042011/18Reporting of financial instruments and placements with MF globalBanks,Financial Institutions,Other InstitutionsCredit Risk,Supervisory Reporting,Concentration and Other Risks
Circular2015 and Before2011/10/27272IT security in banks, financial institutions and brokerage firmsBanks,Financial Institutions,Other InstitutionsOperational and Compliance Risks
Memo2015 and Before2011/10/262011/17Specific IT program related to the Loan Portfolio Database BanksSupervisory Reporting
Memo2015 and Before2011/10/202011/16Use of credit and debit cards on the points of sale Banks,Financial Institutions,Other InstitutionsMoney Exchange and Payment Services,Operational and Compliance Risks
Memo2015 and Before2011/09/222011/15Interest rates, commissions and charges on debtor and creditor accountsBanksSupervisory Reporting
Memo2015 and Before2011/09/212011/14Amendment of some superviosry templatesBanks,Financial InstitutionsSupervisory Reporting
Circular2015 and Before2011/09/21271Internal Control and Internal AuditBanks,Financial Institutions,External AuditorsOperational and Compliance Risks,Governance and Transparency
Memo2015 and Before2011/08/192011/13Computation of Capital Adequacy Ratios as at 30/6/2011BanksCredit Risk,Prudential Limits and Ratios,Operational and Compliance Risks,Own Funds and Capital Adequacy,Supervisory Reporting,Foreign Exchange and Market Risks
Circular2015 and Before2011/06/10269Investments, placements and participations of investment banksBanks,External AuditorsInvestment and Islamic Banking,Prudential Limits and Ratios,Supervisory Reporting
Memo2015 and Before2011/05/302011/10Amendment of deadline to submit the template related to financial instruments issued abroad as per BCC Memo No.3/2011 Banks,Financial InstitutionsConcentration and Other Risks,Credit Risk,Supervisory Reporting
Memo2015 and Before2011/05/282011/09Credit facilities used abroad BanksConcentration and Other Risks,Credit Risk,Supervisory Reporting
Memo2015 and Before2011/05/262011/08Supervisory templates of banksBanksSupervisory Reporting
Memo2015 and Before2011/05/262011/02Supervisory templates of financial institutionsFinancial InstitutionsSupervisory Reporting
Memo2015 and Before2011/05/112011/07Credit facilities used in Syria and Ivory Coast BanksConcentration and Other Risks,Supervisory Reporting,Credit Risk
Memo2015 and Before2011/03/242011/05Customers' deposits tranches and number of depositorsBanksFunding and Liquidity Risks,Supervisory Reporting
Memo2015 and Before2011/03/142011/04Reporting to BCC of ATM machines ListBanksMoney Exchange and Payment Services
Memo2015 and Before2011/03/032011/03Reporting of the portfolio of financial instruments issued abroadBanks,Financial InstitutionsConcentration and Other Risks,Credit Risk,Supervisory Reporting
Memo2015 and Before2011/03/032011/02Computation of Capital Adequacy Ratios as per Basel 2BanksCredit Risk,Prudential Limits and Ratios,Operational and Compliance Risks,Own Funds and Capital Adequacy,Supervisory Reporting,Foreign Exchange and Market Risks
Memo2015 and Before2011/02/242011/01Amendment of supervsiory templates of financial institutionsFinancial InstitutionsSupervisory Reporting
Memo2015 and Before2011/02/232011/01Some supervisory templates linked to BCC circulars & memos BanksSupervisory Reporting
Circular2015 and Before2011/02/17267Acquisition of foreclosed assets as per article 154 of the Law of Money and CreditBanksCredit Risk,Supervisory Reporting,Operational and Compliance Risks,Accounting and External Audit
Memo2015 and Before2010/12/292010/12Special reserve against unsettled non performing loans as per BDL circular No. 73 dated 18/10/2000BanksOwn Funds and Capital Adequacy,Credit Risk
Memo2015 and Before2010/11/302010/10Amendment of BCC circular No. 266Banks,Financial Institutions,Exchange Institutions,Other InstitutionsOperational and Compliance Risks,Supervisory Reporting
Circular2015 and Before2010/11/25266Reporting of Legal ConflictsBanks,Financial Institutions,Other InstitutionsOperational and Compliance Risks,Supervisory Reporting
Memo2015 and Before2010/10/202010/09Report on Internal Capital Adequacy Assessment ProcessBanksCredit Risk,Operational and Compliance Risks,Own Funds and Capital Adequacy,Supervisory Reporting,Foreign Exchange and Market Risks,Concentration and Other Risks,Governance and Transparency
Circular2015 and Before2010/08/18264Summary of Obligatory Reserve Requirements as per BDL Basic Circ. No. 84 and its amendmentsBanksFunding and Liquidity Risks
Memo2015 and Before2010/07/302010/08Computation of Capital Adequacy Ratios as per Basel 2BanksCredit Risk,Prudential Limits and Ratios,Operational and Compliance Risks,Own Funds and Capital Adequacy,Supervisory Reporting,Foreign Exchange and Market Risks
Memo2015 and Before2010/07/012010/07Credit facilities used abroad BanksConcentration and Other Risks,Supervisory Reporting,Credit Risk
Memo2015 and Before2010/05/242010/06Credit facilities used abroad BanksConcentration and Other Risks,Supervisory Reporting,Credit Risk
Memo2015 and Before2010/03/302010/05Amendment of BCCL Memo No. 24/2008 on financial
instruments issued abroad
Banks,Financial Institutions,Other InstitutionsSupervisory Reporting
Memo2015 and Before2010/03/292010/04Computation of Capital Adequacy Ratios as per Basel 2BanksCredit Risk,Prudential Limits and Ratios,Operational and Compliance Risks,Own Funds and Capital Adequacy,Supervisory Reporting,Foreign Exchange and Market Risks
Circular2015 and Before2010/03/17263Appointment of Chairman and Board Members of the BCCLBanks,Financial Institutions,Exchange Institutions,External Auditors,Other InstitutionsOther Topics
Memo2015 and Before2010/02/232010/03Implementation of BDL circular No. 63 dated 10/6/1999 related to ATM, credit and debit cards Banks,Financial Institutions,Other InstitutionsOperational and Compliance Risks,Money Exchange and Payment Services
Memo2015 and Before2010/01/292010/02Management Information System related to risk management BanksGovernance and Transparency,Operational and Compliance Risks
Memo2015 and Before2010/01/092010/01Customers' deposits tranches & number of depositorsBanksFunding and Liquidity Risks,Supervisory Reporting
Circular2015 and Before2009/12/1630Guidelines on Joint AuditExternal AuditorsAccounting and External Audit
Circular2015 and Before2009/12/15262Risk management Function Banks,Financial InstitutionsGovernance and Transparency
Memo2015 and Before2009/10/302009/15Computation of Capital Adequacy Ratios as per Basel 2BanksCredit Risk,Prudential Limits and Ratios,Operational and Compliance Risks,Own Funds and Capital Adequacy,Supervisory Reporting,Foreign Exchange and Market Risks
Circular2015 and Before2009/08/21261Credit Risk Mitigation TechniquesBanksCredit Risk,Own Funds and Capital Adequacy
Memo2015 and Before2009/07/282009/13Prior approval on unregulated Islamic transactionsBanksInvestment and Islamic Banking
Memo2015 and Before2009/06/242009/12Compliance with BDL basic circular. No. 103 dated 9/3/2006Banks,Financial Institutions,Other InstitutionsGovernance and Transparency,Supervisory Reporting
Memo2015 and Before2009/06/102009/11Credit facilities used abroad BanksConcentration and Other Risks,Supervisory Reporting,Credit Risk
Memo2015 and Before2009/06/092009/09Corporate Governance BanksGovernance and Transparency
Memo2015 and Before2009/06/012009/08Constitution of "Reserve for general banking risks"BanksPrudential Limits and Ratios,Own Funds and Capital Adequacy
Memo2015 and Before2009/05/062009/07Subsidized Loans related to July 2006 warBanks,Financial InstitutionsCredit Risk
Memo2015 and Before2009/05/052009/06QIS on capital adequacy ratios as per Basel 2 BanksCredit Risk,Prudential Limits and Ratios,Operational and Compliance Risks,Own Funds and Capital Adequacy,Supervisory Reporting,Foreign Exchange and Market Risks
Memo2015 and Before2009/04/032009/05Implementation of BCCL circular No. 238BanksCredit Risk,Operational and Compliance Risks
Memo2015 and Before2009/02/042009/03QIS on capital adequacy ratios as per Basel 2BanksCredit Risk,Prudential Limits and Ratios,Operational and Compliance Risks,Own Funds and Capital Adequacy,Supervisory Reporting,Foreign Exchange and Market Risks
Memo2015 and Before2009/01/262009/02Reporting on transactions with foreign banks and financial institutions Banks,Financial Institutions,Other InstitutionsCredit Risk,Supervisory Reporting
Memo2015 and Before2009/01/232009/01Information on "Reserve for general banking risks" BanksPrudential Limits and Ratios,Own Funds and Capital Adequacy
Memo2015 and Before2008/12/262008/26Amendment of form No. 1 of BCCL memo No. 22/2008 dated 15/9/2008Banks,Financial Institutions,Other InstitutionsConcentration and Other Risks,Supervisory Reporting,Credit Risk
Memo2015 and Before2008/10/202008/24Information on the portfolio of financial instruments Banks,Financial Institutions,Other InstitutionsConcentration and Other Risks,Supervisory Reporting,Credit Risk
Memo2015 and Before2008/09/242008/01Auditors reports of Islamic Banks in accordance with BCC circular No.21 dated 25/7/1994 and BDL circular No.107 dated 17/2/2007External AuditorsAccounting and External Audit,Investment and Islamic Banking
Memo2015 and Before2008/09/152008/23Measures to implement following the international markets developments Banks,Financial Institutions,Other InstitutionsConcentration and Other Risks,Supervisory Reporting,Credit Risk
Memo2015 and Before2008/09/152008/22Reporting on portfolio of structured products including the portfolio of Lebanese Eurobond Credit Linked NotesBanks,Financial InstitutionsConcentration and Other Risks,Supervisory Reporting,Credit Risk
Memo2015 and Before2008/09/152008/21Submission of E-Mail addresses to BCCLBanks,Financial Institutions,Other InstitutionsSupervisory Reporting
Memo2015 and Before2008/09/132008/20Specific reserve on doubtful and total loss loans as per BDL basic cir. No.73 Banks,External AuditorsOwn Funds and Capital Adequacy,Credit Risk
Memo2015 and Before2008/09/042008/19Information about Head and Members of Audit CommitteeBanksGovernance and Transparency
Memo2015 and Before2008/09/012008/18Quantitative Impact Study on Capital Adequacy as per Basel 2BanksCredit Risk,Prudential Limits and Ratios,Operational and Compliance Risks,Own Funds and Capital Adequacy,Supervisory Reporting,Foreign Exchange and Market Risks
Memo2015 and Before2008/07/262008/17Disclosure of risks in the application form related to issuing and/or marketing structured financial products or collective investment schemes Banks,Financial Institutions,Other InstitutionsGovernance and Transparency
Memo2015 and Before2008/06/102008/15Extension of deadline to start using the new BCC reporting system Banks,Financial InstitutionsSupervisory Reporting
Memo2015 and Before2008/05/132008/14Reporting of indirect participations of banks abroad before 18/4/2008BanksConcentration and Other Risks,Supervisory Reporting
Memo2015 and Before2008/04/172008/13Extension of transitory period to start using the new BCCL system for reportingBanks,Financial InstitutionsSupervisory Reporting
Memo2015 and Before2008/04/172008/12Supervisory form on information technology matters in banks, financial institutions and brokerage firmsBanks,Financial Institutions,Other InstitutionsOperational and Compliance Risks
Memo2015 and Before2008/04/022008/10Special reserve on Foreclosed assetsBanks,External AuditorsCredit Risk,Own Funds and Capital Adequacy
Memo2015 and Before2008/03/222008/09Reporting on portfolio of structured products including the portfolio of Lebanese Eurobond Credit Linked NotesBanks,Financial Institutions,Other InstitutionsConcentration and Other Risks,Supervisory Reporting,Credit Risk
Memo2015 and Before2008/03/152008/08Quantitative Impact Study on Capital Adequacy as per Basel 2BanksCredit Risk,Prudential Limits and Ratios,Operational and Compliance Risks,Own Funds and Capital Adequacy,Supervisory Reporting,Foreign Exchange and Market Risks
Memo2015 and Before2008/02/192008/07BCCL WebsiteBanks,Financial Institutions,Exchange Institutions,External Auditors,Other InstitutionsOther Topics
Memo2015 and Before2008/02/012008/05Amendments of some supervisory templates submitted to BCC BanksSupervisory Reporting
Memo2015 and Before2008/01/142008/04Special Reserve on real estate assets subject to liquidation as per BDL basic cir. No. 78 dated 21/12/2000 and its amendmentsBanks,External AuditorsOwn Funds and Capital Adequacy,Credit Risk
Memo2015 and Before2008/01/072008/03Application of Basel 2 accord (addressed to foreign banks operating in Lebanon)BanksCredit Risk,Prudential Limits and Ratios,Operational and Compliance Risks,Own Funds and Capital Adequacy,Supervisory Reporting,Foreign Exchange and Market Risks
Memo2015 and Before2008/01/032008/01Invitation of banks and financial institutions for a meeting regarding the new BCC reporting systemBanks,Financial InstitutionsSupervisory Reporting
Memo2015 and Before2007/12/222007/21Evolution of collective provisions on portfolio of loans related to Israel War in 2006Banks,Financial Institutions,Other InstitutionsCredit Risk
Memo2015 and Before2007/12/142007/20Preparation for the adoption of the New BCCL reporting systemBanks,Financial InstitutionsSupervisory Reporting
Memo2015 and Before2007/12/042007/19Information on banks' on credit ratingBanksGovernance and Transparency,Credit Risk
Memo2015 and Before2007/10/032007/16Regulating the relationships between banks/financial institutions operating in Lebanon and their branches and subsidiaries abroad Banks,Financial InstitutionsOther Topics,Operational and Compliance Risks,Governance and Transparency
Memo2015 and Before2007/10/102007/18Quantitative Impact Study on Capital Adequacy as per Basel 2BanksCredit Risk,Prudential Limits and Ratios,Operational and Compliance Risks,Own Funds and Capital Adequacy,Supervisory Reporting,Foreign Exchange and Market Risks
Circular2015 and Before2007/10/08257Computation of Equity to cover operational riskBanksOperational and Compliance Risks,Own Funds and Capital Adequacy
Circular2015 and Before2007/09/26256Computation of Equity to cover Market RiskBanks,External AuditorsForeign Exchange and Market Risks,Own Funds and Capital Adequacy
Memo2015 and Before2007/09/072007/14Information on portfolio of shares and bondsBanksForeign Exchange and Market Risks,Own Funds and Capital Adequacy,Supervisory Reporting
Memo2015 and Before2007/08/292007/13Information on financial instruments Banks,Financial Institutions,Other InstitutionsConcentration and Other Risks,Supervisory Reporting,Credit Risk
Memo2015 and Before2007/08/232007/12Forms AT1 & BT1 related to Bank Identification Numbers BIN of debit and credit cardsBanks,Financial Institutions,Other InstitutionsMoney Exchange and Payment Services
Circular2015 and Before2007/08/03255 Loans provided by BDL to Banks & Financial InstitutionsBanks,Financial InstitutionsCredit Risk,Operational and Compliance Risks
Memo2015 and Before2007/07/302007/11Form BT1 related to BIN of credit and debit cards Banks,Financial InstitutionsMoney Exchange and Payment Services
Memo2015 and Before2007/07/302007/10Form AT1 related to BIN of Credit and Debit Cards Other InstitutionsMoney Exchange and Payment Services
Memo2015 and Before2007/07/212007/09Typing Error in BCCL memo No. 8/2007 dated 18/7/2007BanksOther Topics
Memo2015 and Before2007/07/182007/08Update of the second volume of BCCL Audit Manual of Banks Banks,Financial Institutions,External AuditorsAccounting and External Audit
Circular2015 and Before2007/07/18254Istisnah transactions of Islamic BanksBanksInvestment and Islamic Banking
Memo2015 and Before2007/05/192007/07Customers' deposits tranches and number of depositors BanksFunding and Liquidity Risks,Supervisory Reporting
Memo2015 and Before2007/05/142007/06Follow-up on Basel 2 implementationBanksCredit Risk,Prudential Limits and Ratios,Operational and Compliance Risks,Own Funds and Capital Adequacy,Supervisory Reporting,Foreign Exchange and Market Risks
Memo2015 and Before2007/04/242007/05Information on portfolio of shares and bondsBanksConcentration and Other Risks,Supervisory Reporting,Credit Risk
Circular2015 and Before2007/04/11253Bai’salam operations carried out by Islamic BanksBanksInvestment and Islamic Banking
Memo2015 and Before2006/10/162006/11Assessment of losses on loans resulting from Israel war on LebanonBanks,Financial Institutions,Other InstitutionsCredit Risk
Circular2015 and Before2006/09/14252Operational risk management as per Basel RequirementsBanks,Financial Institutions,External AuditorsOperational and Compliance Risks
Memo2015 and Before2006/09/122006/10BCC circular. No. 250 dated 23/5/2006Banks,Financial Institutions,External AuditorsForeign Exchange and Market Risks
Memo2015 and Before2006/09/012006/09Assessment of losses on loans resulting from Israel war on LebanonBanks,Financial Institutions,Other InstitutionsCredit Risk
Memo2015 and Before2006/08/232006/07Impact of Israeli war on Lebanon on the soundness of the banking systemBanks,Financial Institutions,Other InstitutionsCredit Risk
Memo2015 and Before2006/07/192006/06Basel 2 Action Plan BanksCredit Risk,Prudential Limits and Ratios,Operational and Compliance Risks,Own Funds and Capital Adequacy,Supervisory Reporting,Foreign Exchange and Market Risks
Circular2015 and Before2006/05/29251Computation of prudential limits as per articles 152 & 153 of the Law of Money and Credit Banks,Financial InstitutionsOwn Funds and Capital Adequacy,Prudential Limits and Ratios,Credit Risk,Concentration and Other Risks
Memo2015 and Before2006/05/272006/05Customers' deposits tranches and number of depositorsBanksFunding and Liquidity Risks,Supervisory Reporting
Circular2015 and Before2006/05/23250Interest Rate Risk management in banks and financial institutionsBanks,Financial Institutions,External AuditorsForeign Exchange and Market Risks
Memo2015 and Before2006/04/192006/04Issuance of the update on the second volume of the BCCL Audit Manual of BanksBanks,Financial Institutions,External AuditorsAccounting and External Audit
Memo2015 and Before2006/04/072006/03Preparation for Basel implementationBanksCredit Risk,Prudential Limits and Ratios,Operational and Compliance Risks,Own Funds and Capital Adequacy,Supervisory Reporting,Foreign Exchange and Market Risks
Circular2015 and Before2006/03/07249Moudaraba Operations Carried out by Islamic BanksBanksInvestment and Islamic Banking
Memo2015 and Before2006/02/042006/01Information on Loans against sharesBanks,Financial InstitutionsCredit Risk,Supervisory Reporting
Circular2015 and Before2005/10/31247“Ijarah and Ijarah muntahia bittamleek” carried out by Islamic BanksBanksInvestment and Islamic Banking
Circular2015 and Before2005/07/13246“Musharaka” transactions executed by the Islamic BanksBanksInvestment and Islamic Banking
Circular2015 and Before2005/02/02243Appointment of Chairman and Board Members of the BCCLBanks,Financial Institutions,Exchange Institutions,External Auditors,Other InstitutionsOther Topics
Circular2015 and Before2004/06/30242Principles of Risk ManagementBanks,Financial Institutions,External AuditorsGovernance and Transparency
Circular2015 and Before2004/01/21241Settlements of Non - Performing Loans Portfolio as at 30/6/2003Banks,Financial Institutions,External AuditorsCredit Risk
Memo2015 and Before2003/11/112003/02Deadline for submission of auditors report on money launderingExternal AuditorsAccounting and External Audit
Memo2015 and Before2003/01/162003/02 Computation of the ratio of net liquid assets in foreign currencies BanksFunding and Liquidity Risks,Prudential Limits and Ratios,Supervisory Reporting
Circular2015 and Before2002/10/23238Credit Files and other requirements for loan origination and processingBanks,Financial InstitutionsCredit Risk,Governance and Transparency
Circular2015 and Before2002/03/13236 Net Liquid Asset Ratio in foreign currenciesBanksFunding and Liquidity Risks,Prudential Limits and Ratios,Supervisory Reporting
Circular2015 and Before2001/08/07233Securitized Loans in foreign currenciesBanks,Financial Institutions,Other InstitutionsAccounting and External Audit,Credit Risk
Circular2015 and Before2000/08/18222IT Security GuidelinesBanks,Financial Institutions,Other InstitutionsOperational and Compliance Risks
Circular2015 and Before2000/04/2629Allocation of Annual Profits of banksExternal AuditorsAccounting and External Audit
Memo2015 and Before2000/04/202000/04Information of borrowers who benefit from BDL Basic cir. No. 22 dated 8/2/1996Banks,Financial Institutions,Other InstitutionsInvestment and Islamic Banking
Circular2015 and Before2000/04/20221Distribution of DividendsBanksOwn Funds and Capital Adequacy
Circular2015 and Before2000/02/258Organization of the business of exchange institutionsExchange InstitutionsMoney Exchange and Payment Services,Operational and Compliance Risks
Circular2015 and Before2000/02/1827Special Report on Anti - Money LaunderingExternal AuditorsAccounting and External Audit,Operational and Compliance Risks
Circular2015 and Before2000/02/02219Appointment of Chairman and Board Members of the BCCLBanks,Financial Institutions,Exchange Institutions,External Auditors,Other InstitutionsOther Topics
Circular2015 and Before2000/01/2526Compliance of banks with AML procedures agreed upon with the Association of Banks External AuditorsAccounting and External Audit,Operational and Compliance Risks
Memo2015 and Before1999/11/251999/01Review reports and information requested from auditors External AuditorsAccounting and External Audit
Memo2015 and Before1999/11/091999/12Statements to be submitted in accordance with BDL circular No.47 dated 4/6/1998 and BCC circular No.206 dated 7/8/1998Banks,Financial InstitutionsGovernance and Transparency,Supervisory Reporting
Circular2015 and Before1999/09/2925Classification of loansExternal AuditorsAccounting and External Audit,Credit Risk
Circular2015 and Before1999/06/29214Changes in Senior ManagementBanks,Financial Institutions,Other InstitutionsGovernance and Transparency,Supervisory Reporting
Memo2015 and Before1999/04/011999/05Accounting Treatment of profits resulting from swap operations on Lebanese Treasury Bills in LBPBanksAccounting and External Audit
Memo2015 and Before1999/03/101999/03Legal form for pledging of cash collateral against loans Banks,Financial InstitutionsCredit Risk,Operational and Compliance Risks
Circular2015 and Before1998/09/24208Accounting and Valuation of Collective Investment SchemesBanks,Financial Institutions,External Auditors,Other InstitutionsAccounting and External Audit,Venture Capital/Startups and Funds
Circular2015 and Before1998/08/07206Providing BCCL with copies of Published Financial StatementsBanks,Financial InstitutionsGovernance and Transparency
Circular2015 and Before1998/08/06205Disclosure of Introducing Brokerage Transactions in Off-Balance Sheet Banks,Financial Institutions,External Auditors,Other InstitutionsAccounting and External Audit,Financial Brokerage
Circular2015 and Before1998/07/277Financial Statements of Exchange InstitutionsExchange InstitutionsMoney Exchange and Payment Services,Supervisory Reporting
Circular2015 and Before1997/08/04199Published Annual Financial Statements for Listed BanksBanks,External AuditorsGovernance and Transparency
Circular2015 and Before1997/07/1023Addressing BCC circular No.21 to Financial InstitutionsExternal AuditorsAccounting and External Audit
Circular2015 and Before1997/03/10195Published Quarterly Financial Statements for Listed BanksBanks,External AuditorsGovernance and Transparency
Circular2015 and Before1996/01/27188Transfer of Tangible Assets to Real Estate Companies against shares issued by these companiesBanksAccounting and External Audit
Circular2015 and Before1995/04/03180Disclosure of Securities Lending, Repo and Reverse Repo TransactionsBanks,Financial InstitutionsAccounting and External Audit
Circular2015 and Before1995/01/16174Revaluation of Fixed Assets acquired under the provisions of article 153 of the Law of Money and CreditBanksAccounting and External Audit
Circular2015 and Before1994/09/12173Revaluation of Foreclosed Assets subject to article 154 of the Law of Money and CreditBanksAccounting and External Audit
Memo2015 and Before1994/07/251994/0Issuance of BCC circular No. 21 addressed to External AuditorsBanksAccounting and External Audit
Circular2015 and Before1994/07/2521Audit reports of banksExternal AuditorsAccounting and External Audit
Circular2015 and Before1994/01/2420Auditing compliance with BCC Circular No. 149 dated 7/8/1991External AuditorsAccounting and External Audit
Circular2015 and Before1992/12/07157Restrictions on changing the currency of provisions on doubtful loans without the prior consent of the BCCLBanksAccounting and External Audit,Credit Risk,Foreign Exchange and Market Risks
Circular2015 and Before1991/08/0919Interest on doubtful Loans and ProvisionsExternal AuditorsAccounting and External Audit
Circular2015 and Before1991/02/1117Guidelines to auditors for the preparation of audit reportsExternal AuditorsAccounting and External Audit
Circular2015 and Before1990/10/2215Guidelines to auditors for the preparation of audit reportsExternal AuditorsAccounting and External Audit
Circular2015 and Before1984/07/1794Submission of Auditors Reports in Arabic LanguageBanksAccounting and External Audit
Circular2015 and Before1983/04/0580Internal Control on FX TransactionsBanksForeign Exchange and Market Risks,Operational and Compliance Risks
Circular2015 and Before1981/12/1768Recording Precious metals transactions of clients in Off Balance Sheet statementBanksAccounting and External Audit
Circular2015 and Before1968/11/2711Informing BCCL of fraud, misconduct and material incidentsBanksGovernance and Transparency,Operational and Compliance Risks